The Seven
Colossians 2:9-10
For in him dwell all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And you are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power.
God's desire is for his people to be complete in him through Jesus Christ. This means he wants us to have within us all the necessary spiritual parts that are operating at the greatest possible degree in the earth. God has a plan for our life that will make us totally complete in the areas of relationships, health, and finances. We will be complete in the spirit and in the natural with both working together for kingdom purpose.
This means he has put things in motion to make sure this happens. Satan our enemy knows this and has come up with a strategy that he uses against us all. He wants to totally destroy us in all three of these areas of life. What is his plan to make this happen? His plan is simple. His plan is to use us against ourselves!
He will use the choices we make to kill, steal, humiliate, and destroy all that our life represents. He wants to effect us and our generations to come. He wants to kill our faith and cut us off from God the Father forever. He will try and get us to believe that we and we alone control what happens in our life. We don't need God or anyone to lead and guide our life.
He will use what is known as the Seven D's to accomplish his plan for total destruction of your life. What are the Seven D's? They are seven verbs that begin with the letter d. A verb is a word that describes an action. The Seven D's are seven actions that occur one after the other to produce a certain result. If you choose the first of the seven of these actions the rest will certainly follow in consecutive order. Here is the list along with the meaning of each action in the order they occur.
1. Doubt: Not believe or trust. To be not sure of something. To feel uncertain about something. To be afraid. Fear that makes you question God's word and his goodness. Fear tries to make you think God is unable to help you in certain situations.
2. Distract: To draw or cause to turn away from the original position, goal, purpose, direction, association or interest. When your focus is not God centered, the cares of life draw you away from him and God's plan for your life.
3. Divert: To change the original course to choose another. Causes diversion that turns the mind from serious concerns or ordinary matters and relaxes or amuses the mind turning it to pleasure. Often makes the wrong things seem attractive so that they are desired more than what is right. You have chosen to focus on the things of the world more than your relationship with God.
4. Discourage: To deprive of courage, confidence or resolution. It carries a sapping effect of fear and doubt. It takes away hope and determination. To be discouraged makes you look at your problems rather than looking at God who has the answers to your problems. The effect of life under the world system is discouragement because you have no relationship with God who is the one who encourages.
5. Depress: To make or cause to sink, fall, or assume a lower level, position, point, situation or attitude. It also means to lessen, diminish, impoverish, or depreciate the activity, strength level, yield, or significance of a person. In short to oppress.
6. Delay: To put off or prolong time. To postpone, stop, detain, or hinder for a time. The goal is to make you put off doing something so that it never gets done.
7. Defeat: To undo or to destroy. To disfigure or make null and void. To win the victory over, check the progress of or destroy the power of a person or people. The goal is to make you feel like a failure so you don't even try.
The only sure way to stop the enemy from using his plan against you is to never doubt God in the first place. Believe God and who you are in him. Know that satan is already defeated! So children of God don't let your enemy play with your mind. You already have the victory! It's your time. Live it well! Keep moving forward in Jesus name. Amen and amen!
Apostle Henry
Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address any comments or questions to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!
John 1:16
John 3: 33-36
Matthew 21:21-22
The number seven means perfect and complete. Without the Holy Spirit moving in a life, the seven wiles of satan will cause perfect and complete destruction of that life. All our help and hope must be in God alone. His plan never fails!
For in him dwell all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And you are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power.
God's desire is for his people to be complete in him through Jesus Christ. This means he wants us to have within us all the necessary spiritual parts that are operating at the greatest possible degree in the earth. God has a plan for our life that will make us totally complete in the areas of relationships, health, and finances. We will be complete in the spirit and in the natural with both working together for kingdom purpose.
This means he has put things in motion to make sure this happens. Satan our enemy knows this and has come up with a strategy that he uses against us all. He wants to totally destroy us in all three of these areas of life. What is his plan to make this happen? His plan is simple. His plan is to use us against ourselves!
He will use the choices we make to kill, steal, humiliate, and destroy all that our life represents. He wants to effect us and our generations to come. He wants to kill our faith and cut us off from God the Father forever. He will try and get us to believe that we and we alone control what happens in our life. We don't need God or anyone to lead and guide our life.
He will use what is known as the Seven D's to accomplish his plan for total destruction of your life. What are the Seven D's? They are seven verbs that begin with the letter d. A verb is a word that describes an action. The Seven D's are seven actions that occur one after the other to produce a certain result. If you choose the first of the seven of these actions the rest will certainly follow in consecutive order. Here is the list along with the meaning of each action in the order they occur.
1. Doubt: Not believe or trust. To be not sure of something. To feel uncertain about something. To be afraid. Fear that makes you question God's word and his goodness. Fear tries to make you think God is unable to help you in certain situations.
2. Distract: To draw or cause to turn away from the original position, goal, purpose, direction, association or interest. When your focus is not God centered, the cares of life draw you away from him and God's plan for your life.
3. Divert: To change the original course to choose another. Causes diversion that turns the mind from serious concerns or ordinary matters and relaxes or amuses the mind turning it to pleasure. Often makes the wrong things seem attractive so that they are desired more than what is right. You have chosen to focus on the things of the world more than your relationship with God.
4. Discourage: To deprive of courage, confidence or resolution. It carries a sapping effect of fear and doubt. It takes away hope and determination. To be discouraged makes you look at your problems rather than looking at God who has the answers to your problems. The effect of life under the world system is discouragement because you have no relationship with God who is the one who encourages.
5. Depress: To make or cause to sink, fall, or assume a lower level, position, point, situation or attitude. It also means to lessen, diminish, impoverish, or depreciate the activity, strength level, yield, or significance of a person. In short to oppress.
6. Delay: To put off or prolong time. To postpone, stop, detain, or hinder for a time. The goal is to make you put off doing something so that it never gets done.
7. Defeat: To undo or to destroy. To disfigure or make null and void. To win the victory over, check the progress of or destroy the power of a person or people. The goal is to make you feel like a failure so you don't even try.
The only sure way to stop the enemy from using his plan against you is to never doubt God in the first place. Believe God and who you are in him. Know that satan is already defeated! So children of God don't let your enemy play with your mind. You already have the victory! It's your time. Live it well! Keep moving forward in Jesus name. Amen and amen!
Apostle Henry
Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address any comments or questions to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!
John 1:16
John 3: 33-36
Matthew 21:21-22
The number seven means perfect and complete. Without the Holy Spirit moving in a life, the seven wiles of satan will cause perfect and complete destruction of that life. All our help and hope must be in God alone. His plan never fails!
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