Good Courage

Joshua 1:9
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee wherever you go.

     God commands us to be strong and of a good courage. Why? Because he knows that we live in a fear driven world. When God tells us to fear not it is not a suggestion. To fear not is a command from God. This world is filled with situations that could cause one to be afraid. But for the most part fear is designed to attack us in three areas of life. Our relationships, health and finances are bombarded by fear on a daily bases. 
     Satan knows that if he keeps a steady flow of fear coming our way we will naturally break down and stop moving. Why? Because without God your natural mind can only take so much fear before it breaks and shuts down. The enemy wants to paralyze you with fear. He wants you so afraid that you are scared to move. This is why God commands us not to fear. 
     When God commands something to be, movement begins that effects the enemy in a negative way. Every time we obey a command of God the enemy takes a blow to the head! You see it is said that something good is known to be honorable and worthy. Good is known to be reliable and dependable. 
     Courage applies to moral strength that makes you face any danger, trouble, or pain steadily and without showing fear. So good courage means to have honorable, worthy, reliable and dependable moral strength in the face of fear! Good moral strength only comes from the word of God. The word of God is honorable, worthy, reliable and dependable.
      When we receive and trust in the word of God there is a strength that is transferred to us to face fear. When God tells us to be strong, he is telling us to always trust his word over any word the world is using to cause us to be afraid. It takes courage to believe God's word over the situations we see in this world. But know this the word of the world is a flesh word. It is not honorable. It is not worthy. It is not reliable. It is not dependable! It is the complete opposite of God's word.
      Finally fear is a spirit. He uses the unknown as a powerful weapon of attack. This weapon has no affect on God our Father because he knows all things. When we like Jesus put our trust in the Father this fear of the unknown becomes powerless. The power, love and sound mind of God is given to us in our time of need. Our time of need is all the time because of these perilous end time days in which we live.
      So children of God, read, listen, receive, trust and act on God's word. It will be the strength you need when fear comes to attack. Know that fear is false evidence appearing real. Faith is true free advice in the heavens. Always choose the free advice from heaven over the false evidence of the world that appears real! Be blessed and keep moving forward with no fear in Jesus name! God is with you wherever you go!!! Amen and Amen!

                                                                               Apostle Henry 

 Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address  any comments or questions to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!

Joshua 1:1-9
Proverbs 3:25-26
2 Timothy 1:7-10
Although the woods are dark and deep, lift your eyes up because Jesus is the light you seek! So in spite of fear, hold God's Word near. Let his word be the good courage in your ear.



  1. This is such an amazing post! That spirit of fear will try to kill, steal and destroy our businesses, relationships, Faith, etc. But God, he always has a way for us to push past the tricks of the enemy.

    Fear has been attacking my personal life since I was a child. But through my worship, personal time with the Lord, reading my word and surrounding myself with wise counsel. GOD HAS shown me how to be courageous and walk by faith not by sight. It is through God, I'm finally becoming Free! Thank you for reminding us of this word today!


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