Impotent Relationships
John 5:5-6
And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years. When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he said unto him "Will thou be made whole?"
The word impotent means unable to take effective action because of being helpless and powerless. The word relationship means a connection or association between two or more by blood, marriage, or other means which can be positive or negative. An impotent relationship is a connection between two or more with the net effect of zero movement.
When two or more people come together by some means of connection, something happens in the atmosphere surrounding those people. A positive, negative, or no flow condition begins that will progress, degress, or deactivate all who are involved in the relationship. The effect of this new relationship will be felt in the surrounding atmosphere both in the spirit and in the natural.
It is important for us all to know what type of relationships we are involved in, because just one wrong relationship can completely destroy us both in the spirit and the natural. It should be well understood that all relationships serve a purpose. Relationships that have been ordained by God will in some way cause movement that will bring forth more life even in death. All relationships outside of God's divine purpose for your life will cause a separation from God that leads to permanent lost of life.
Impotent relationships can be one of the must destructive kind of all relationships outside of God. These types of relationships causes someone to put all their trust in a person or a system which promises to bring them a certain result if they do a certain thing for the person or within the system. The person or system puts demands on someone who is already helpless and powerless in the natural and the spirit. Demands are placed on people who can't help themselves move from the place they are stuck in.
God the Father sent his Son Jesus Christ to earth to set us all free from sin and death which we were powerless to escape on our own. Without the grace and mercy of God the Father offering us a new type of godly relationship with him, we all would have been stuck forever in an impotent state because of our sin nature.
The bible gives us a good example in John 5:1-16 of how Jesus came to destroy the works of the enemy. In this case the enemy was using an impotent relationship with a religious system to cause many to remain stuck in the same position with very little chance of movement.
The bible says that on a certain day Jesus had an encounter with a certain man. This means this was not a chance encounter. Jesus was lead there by the Holy Spirit to connect with this certain man on the sabbath day of the Jews Passover Feast. This was the one day of the year that all hearts should have been fixed on God and all his goodness toward the Jewish nation. Instead, you find that in the city of Jerusalem, by the pool of Bethesda, five porches filled with impotent people who by the way was God's chosen people.
In the natural some of these people were blind (no vision). Some were halt (crippled in their feet). Others were withered (shrunken). All were in weakened conditions both in the natural and the spirit because of sin working in their lives causing them to be separated from God the Father with no hope of reconnecting to him on their own. They were connected to a religious system that could tell them to obey the rules, but had no power to show them how to connect and stay connected to God the true source of life.
They were all laying around this pool waiting on a false system to heal their natural disorders, but this same system, could do nothing to heal their spiritual disorders. Even if they were healed in the natural they would still be stuck in the spirit separated from God.
The bible says that all that lay by the pool had an relationship with that pool. They knew that at a certain season an angel would come down into the pool and trouble the water. The first one to step into the pool after it was troubled by the angel, would be healed of their disorder. There is something clearly wrong with this system!
First, this angel is not an angel sent by God. When God sends an angel, he always describes the angel as an angel of the Lord. When God heals, all who witness the healing is blessed in someway. In this case the only one who was healed was the one who got to the pool first. There had to be a release of all kinds of negative human nature by them all trying to be the first one in that pool! There had to be a mad dog eat dog rush by people trying to be first in that pool. That is not God!
The bible says that Jesus met a man laying by the pool who had been in that same spot for thirty-eight years! This means he was in a disconnected condition from God all that time. He was trusting in a pool to help him all that time. There was very little movement in his life all that time by that pool.
Enter Jesus Christ. Jesus just walks in and the atmosphere begins to change. Know this, when God moves, all that receive him are blessed, and they also begin to move. Their movement occurs in the Spirit first. What happens in the Spirit effects the natural. Spirit transformation occurs so that progressive relationship with God can occur. It is not so people can be healed of natural disorders and remain dead in the Spirit.
Jesus came to this man at this appointed time in the presence of all these impotent related people to speak the words of heaven into his life to cause Spirit transformation to reconnect him to God and cause kingdom movement in his life.
Jesus only spoke five words to the man who had no real movement for such a long time. Jesus delivered the words from heaven in the form of a question. Jesus said to the man "Will thou be made whole?" Jesus asked him a question first to correct the man's spirit weakness first before his physical weakness could be addressed. The man believed his movement was not enough to solve his problem, so he just lay there by the pool. His first response to Jesus was "Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steps down before me."
The fact was that the man could move, he just was not fast enough to be the first one in the pool. His focus was on the pool and the fact there was no man to put him in the pool. He was stuck in a system that was set up to never bless him in the way he needed to be blessed to break free from that place and become a progressive person in God.
Once the man spoke, it was clear that he was related to an impotent religious system set up to keep him bound and stuck in that place. Now Jesus spoke clear instructional words from heaven to shift the man's relationship with a natural system, to one moving in the Spirit, that would cause him to focus on the words that would activate him in a true Spiritual relationship with God the Father.
Jesus spoke seven instructional words to the man that if received, would reconnect him to God and cause a new system of kingdom flow in his life that would break the cycle of impotence off his life forever. His impotent relationship with a worldly system would be exchanged for a power filled progressive relationship based in the love of God.
Jesus said to the man "Rise, take up thy bed, and walk." Everything Jesus told the man to do required movement! The moment the man heard the words spoken by Jesus, he received them, and because he received them, he was made whole. The man then rose up, took up his bed and walked. The power released from heaven was fully complete and made the man whole and functional.
The man was now free from a system that made him depend on things to live. He could now relate with his creator to live an abundant, eternal life as God has promised. All those who were also stuck by the pool, now had true hope because they saw what happened to the man that received the words of Jesus. The movement of God always effects more than one.
The man now through Spirit transformation, had the opportunity to relate to God in the Spirit and in the truth. He was now connected to the kingdom of God by way of interaction with Jesus Christ. He could now for the first time see himself beyond the pool. His spirit man was now turned on and he was receiving God instruction because of the God connection through Jesus to identify with God.
We know that the man's God connection was active and progressive, because the next time Jesus saw the man was in the temple. The only reason for the man to be there was because he was looking for more of God. In his search once again, he encounters Jesus in the temple. This time Jesus spoke fifteen words to the man. He said "Behold, you are made whole; sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee". These words came from the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
This time Jesus gave the man understanding. He made it clear that it was sin that caused his impotence. Sin was the only way for him to lose his connection to God. To know God, then lose your connection to him because of sin, is worse than not knowing him at all. When you sin you invite impotent relationships into your life.
The key is to identify an impotent relationship before you get involved in one. First and for most stay connected to God. Then follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in all your affairs. Know that impotent relationships are driven by impotent spirits who's assignment is to cut you off from God. These spirits use people and systems to interfere with your divine destiny. You must know what is the Spirit of God and what is the spirit of antichrist.
The bible makes it clear how to determine the Spirit of God and how to spot the impotent spirit of antichrist. God gives us clear instructions on this matter in 1John 4:1-6.
God says "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know you the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that (impotent) spirit of antichrist, whereof you have heard that it should come; and even now already is in the world.
You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world hear them. We are of God: he that knows God hears us; he that is not of God hears not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error".
To avoid impotent relationships stay connected to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Be determined to walk by the Spirit and allow God to lead you into all truth. Let your dwelling place be in Jesus Christ so that righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit will be your eternal portion. Let your focus be above only people of God, and let us all just keep moving with our God in the name of Jesus amen!
Apostle Henry
Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address any comments or questions to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru We would love to hear from you. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!
John 5:1-15 1John 4:1-6 Galatians 5:16-26
An Impotent Relationship is designed to connect and then drain all of God's glory from all it is connected to, until all suffer from the same lack of God life. They all begin to act and look the same, with the same signs of little life, stuck in one place with very little movement.
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