O AM I _____?

Then said I, Woe is me! For I am undone or cut off; because I am a man of unclean lips, and dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.

Today's post is a post about self discovery. Self discovery is the process of acquiring insight into one's own character. That is why the title of this post has a blank space and a question mark. Today for everyone who reads this post the blank space will be filled and the question answered. Today by the power of the Spirit of Truth we will gain greater insight into our own character. Today we will take the spot light off others and shine the light on ourselves. By the power of the Holy Spirit we will proclaim from our private place O AM I ____ fill in the blank. Whatever goes in that blank is between you and God for now. Their will come a time when he will have you share some of the things you discover today. But today God wants us to say from our private place, all the good and bad things that make up or character. He will even make us aware of the things both good and bad that is a part of our character that we have never seen. Why the focus on character? Because Jesus is coming back for a people without spot or wrinkle. Our natural nature is full of both! They can been plainly seen in the way we behave. The way we behave is based in what we believe. What we believe shapes our character. Another word for what we believe is faith. Our character is faith based. Faith comes by hearing. We are placing our faith in the things we are hearing. The things we hear help shape our character. We are a people of unclean lips. Why? Because we live in a world filled with unclean lips. For true insight and true progress of character there has to be true clean lips speaking a clean good word that will lead us to a better place. Our character changes because we have heard, seen, experienced and embraced the ways of God and not the way of the world. The word of God gives you insight into who you are. It shows you what you have walking in the ways of Christ. The word of the world tells you who you are not. It magnifies what you think you don't have. Good or bad, the world condemns you publicly as it sees fit. The word of God says that their is no condemnation in Christ Jesus, for me that makes all the difference. True change of character has to begin with the person in the mirror allowing the word of God to work on them first! So be of good courage and ask the question O AM I_________? Whatever the answer, know that God is taking you to a greater place in him today. Know this, without Christ Jesus we all have unclean lips. It is only thru him are we made presentable to the Father. When you are in the presence of the Father, you don't ask O AM I_______? You proclaim O I AM______! Love you guys! Keep moving forward in Jesus Name! 

                                                                                    Apostle Henry

Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address  any comments or questions to oneaccordmin@gmail.com. If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru blogger.com. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!

Isaiah 6:1-7
Romans 8:1-17



  1. This is a great post!! What an awesome God we serve. Through prayer, worship and reading our word, he reveals so much to us. That includes our identity! Amen

  2. Thank you Minister Williams. From your response I just feel you are a five fold minister. We honor and appreciate your feedback. Feel free to reach out to us if you want more teachings on identity and purpose. We are sure that it would be a good addition to what you are already using to bless your bible students. Stay blessed and keep moving in the name of Jesus.


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