Key To An Open Heaven.
Matthew 3:16-17
And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straight out of the water: and, lo the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
The word open has three basic meanings:
1. Not shut or not shut up.
2. Not secret or hidden.
3. To make functional.
The word heaven describes a place above us that has three parts:
1. The atmosphere ( sky,clouds etc. )
2. Space. ( Sun, Moon, Stars etc. )
3. The place were God dwells.
The term open heaven refers to the parts of heaven not shut up to us, not secret or hidden from us, and the parts that have been made functional to us. The ideal situation for mankind would be to have full access to all three parts of heaven. Just think of all the questions that could be answered if we just had an open portal into all of heaven.
God in his supreme wisdom only allows us to see what we need to see to keep us moving in his divine plan for our lives. Anyone who lifts their head towards heaven above can witness his glorious works! Both good and evil can feel the warmth of the sun or see the shine of the stars in God's heavens.
God has allow all of us some access to heaven. But once you get passed the atmosphere of this earth, and the outer space that it spins in, the place were God dwells is closed. It is not open to everyone! But at the same time it is not closed to everyone either. God is specific in nature. He never does anything just because! He always has purpose in mind. Through out scripture each time God opened the heavens to a person or persons it was for a divine reason.
God is no respecter of persons. So if he opened the heavens in time passed for divine purpose, if he so desires, he will do the same for our generations as well. But the question must be asked, why did God choose the people he chose to see the parts of heaven he let them see? The one key factor that keeps repeating itself is that at the time the heavens were opened they all were doing what they knew to do in their time of transition to obey God.
God opens up, uncovers and makes functional to you the portion of heaven that will get you to the next level of your divine destiny. But the key is he only does it when we do the things we know he has required us to do. In other words when we obey him! Obedience is the key. Obedience not only opens the heavens, it keeps them open and makes them functional for the obedient ones who love God.
The bible says that obedience is better than sacrifice. Why? The fact is one can make a sacrifice and still not have a change in heart. To obey the ways of God on a continual bases takes a change of heart. God knows what truly is in the heart of a person. People can pretend to be one way in public and a totally different way in private. God wants obedience all the time. That only comes from a change heart that wants to please him.
So if you feel heaven is closed to you, ask God where you failed to obey him. He will answer you! Or should I say he will just confirm what you already know. So remember children of God, keep doing the things he has shown you. Again obedience is better than sacrifice. Why? Because you have to be willing to obey God in order to give him the sacrifice that he is asking of you. Jesus Christ paid it all with the ultimate sacrifice of his blood. There is no sacrifice we can give under heaven that can match his sacrifice! What we can do is follow the word he has given us from the Father. Then we will have no brass above our heads and no iron under our feet to interfere with our divine destiny. We have because of God's grace access to heaven and earth. Obey God because you love him. Then the heavens will be and remain open that we may prosper! ( There are many examples in the bible of how obedience opened the heavens. Go check it out for yourself! )
Apostle Henry
Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address any comments, questions or prayer concerns to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!
Ezekiel chapter 1
Matthew chapter 3
There is no mistaking when God has opened the heavens to you. It is like a bright light that has been turned on in your soul. Obedience is the switch that turns on the light.
And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straight out of the water: and, lo the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
The word open has three basic meanings:
1. Not shut or not shut up.
2. Not secret or hidden.
3. To make functional.
The word heaven describes a place above us that has three parts:
1. The atmosphere ( sky,clouds etc. )
2. Space. ( Sun, Moon, Stars etc. )
3. The place were God dwells.
The term open heaven refers to the parts of heaven not shut up to us, not secret or hidden from us, and the parts that have been made functional to us. The ideal situation for mankind would be to have full access to all three parts of heaven. Just think of all the questions that could be answered if we just had an open portal into all of heaven.
God in his supreme wisdom only allows us to see what we need to see to keep us moving in his divine plan for our lives. Anyone who lifts their head towards heaven above can witness his glorious works! Both good and evil can feel the warmth of the sun or see the shine of the stars in God's heavens.
God has allow all of us some access to heaven. But once you get passed the atmosphere of this earth, and the outer space that it spins in, the place were God dwells is closed. It is not open to everyone! But at the same time it is not closed to everyone either. God is specific in nature. He never does anything just because! He always has purpose in mind. Through out scripture each time God opened the heavens to a person or persons it was for a divine reason.
God is no respecter of persons. So if he opened the heavens in time passed for divine purpose, if he so desires, he will do the same for our generations as well. But the question must be asked, why did God choose the people he chose to see the parts of heaven he let them see? The one key factor that keeps repeating itself is that at the time the heavens were opened they all were doing what they knew to do in their time of transition to obey God.
God opens up, uncovers and makes functional to you the portion of heaven that will get you to the next level of your divine destiny. But the key is he only does it when we do the things we know he has required us to do. In other words when we obey him! Obedience is the key. Obedience not only opens the heavens, it keeps them open and makes them functional for the obedient ones who love God.
The bible says that obedience is better than sacrifice. Why? The fact is one can make a sacrifice and still not have a change in heart. To obey the ways of God on a continual bases takes a change of heart. God knows what truly is in the heart of a person. People can pretend to be one way in public and a totally different way in private. God wants obedience all the time. That only comes from a change heart that wants to please him.
So if you feel heaven is closed to you, ask God where you failed to obey him. He will answer you! Or should I say he will just confirm what you already know. So remember children of God, keep doing the things he has shown you. Again obedience is better than sacrifice. Why? Because you have to be willing to obey God in order to give him the sacrifice that he is asking of you. Jesus Christ paid it all with the ultimate sacrifice of his blood. There is no sacrifice we can give under heaven that can match his sacrifice! What we can do is follow the word he has given us from the Father. Then we will have no brass above our heads and no iron under our feet to interfere with our divine destiny. We have because of God's grace access to heaven and earth. Obey God because you love him. Then the heavens will be and remain open that we may prosper! ( There are many examples in the bible of how obedience opened the heavens. Go check it out for yourself! )
Apostle Henry
Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address any comments, questions or prayer concerns to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!
Ezekiel chapter 1
Matthew chapter 3
There is no mistaking when God has opened the heavens to you. It is like a bright light that has been turned on in your soul. Obedience is the switch that turns on the light.
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