Ear to Hear ( Pt.5 ) The Seven Spirits

Revelation 3:1
And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things says he that have the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars.

     In the bible the number seven represents something that is perfect and complete. For example, it took God six days to create the Earth. On the seventh day he rested. Why? Because creation was perfect and complete. It looked good and was good. Creation had everything in place to move forward and fulfill it's God given purpose. It's purpose was to be fruitful and multiply. It was totally full of everything it needed to succeed. What was creation filled with? Creation was filled with the voice of God! For six days creation heard the voice of God.What happened on the seventh day? God stopped speaking and watched for creation's response.
     The creative voice of God was different with man. With man God breathed his Spirit first into him before he gave him any other instructions. This was the only time that God had ever breathed into any of his creations. Before, God would just speak a thing into perfect existence. With man God breathed all the words he wanted to speak concerning the creation man into him in one breath. The breath of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit went into man at the same time. Three voices of God went into a pile of formed dirt to bring the image of God alive in the new creation man. Part of what was breathed into man at that time was his ability to be able to respond to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If man chose, he could fix his ears to hear God! If he wants to, every man could turn on his ears to hear what the Spirit of God says. If he wanted, he could respond to God. The choice to hear the voice of God  and respond to him is built into all humans.
     In conjunction with the voice of God is the seven Spirits of God. They go everywhere God goes. This includes everywhere God's voice or word goes. The spirit of the Lord, wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and of the fear of the Lord, are these seven Spirits of God. Where these seven Spirits are God life is present.
     The voice of Christ came to the church of Sardis in Revelation chapter 3 with the identification code of he who has the seven Spirits of God. This is important because Sardis was the capital city of Lydia. The name Sardis means Prince of Joy. This place was a seat of government. This was the place where all the cares of the region was suppose to be addressed. This was the place where people were suppose to find answers and joy. This was the place were natural wisdom, understanding, counsel, might and knowledge was to be found. But like all natural government, it was rare to find there real answers to life's problems.
     The church at Sardis  knew that life was present the first time they heard the voice of Christ. They knew he had the answers to life's problems. But like for many of us, over time, the impact of our first encounter with Christ wheres off. Why? Because the cares of our existence still is a heavy burden that we choose to carry. We know of Christ, but we have not rested in Christ. We have not cast our cares even though on the outside it looks like everything is fine. This was true of the church of Sardis. They had a name in Christ, but was not living the life in Christ. They carried the name of life, but was dead on the inside. The same is true with all false religion. It is all based in external works with little or no change to the inside  of a person's heart.
     The voice of Christ had come this time like before to address their inward heart condition. If they would receive the voice of Jesus Christ, then their heart would be changed on the inside. Because of a changed heart, they could see how to approach the problems of everyday life on the outside by using the ways of God on the inside. They would no longer be a church of Jesus Christ in name alone. The things that Jesus gave them at first by receiving his voice in their ear were not all together dead. They could be strengthened by receiving his voice now in this new season. He needed them to be watchful over the things that he had already given them. They had to be watchful over the wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, spirit of the Lord and fear of the Lord that he had placed in their care. They were weapons given to them by Jesus Christ for them to overcome the world.
     Today is no different. As children of God we have also been given weapons by Christ to help us overcome the world. If we will fix our ears on the voice that carries the seven spirits of God, then we will have heaven's wisdom. We will have an understanding beyond this world. We will have counsel of the peacemaker himself. We will have the might of angels on our side. We will have access to all knowledge. We will have the spirit of the Lord to help us react the way Jesus would react. But most of all, we will have a fear of the Lord. This fear of the Lord will teach us to love, respect and honor God in the correct ways. 
     With the voice of Jesus Christ in our ears, we will overcome every weapon formed against us by this world. So remember therefore how you have received and heard and hold fast, and repent. Forsake not the first words given by Christ. Be of good cheer and have an ear to hear this: If Christ be for you, then who can defeat you! All glory and honor be to God. Amen!

                                                                                        Apostle Henry

 Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address  any comments, questions or prayer concerns to oneaccordmin@gmail.com. If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru blogger.com. Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!


Revelation 3:1-6
Isaiah 11:1-5  
There are seven colors that make up the rainbow. God's promise is perfect and complete. There are seven spirits that proceed with the word of God. God's word in your ear is perfect and complete. Allow the glow of God's promise to shine. Keep his promise and Spirit alive in you.                                                 Happy Resurrection Day!






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