Ear To Hear ( Pt.3 Him With The Sharp Sword )

Revelation 2:12
And to the angel of the church in Pergamos  write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges.

     The apostle John by the Spirit of God described Jesus as the Word of God. With no doubt we all understand just how powerful the word of God can be when applied to our everyday lives. This power of the word has also been compared to a sword. Not a natural sword, but a spiritual one. You see it is the Spirit of God's word that makes it so powerful. For your ear to hear the word of God means the Spirit of the word of God has pierced through your natural ear. It has cut through  every natural barrier between you and God. Like a sword, God's word pierces and cuts it's way to the heart of every matter. Our ears must be linked to the Spirit of God if we are to receive the sharp two edged sword of Christ. This sword represents the fullness of God's word. The Father is the tip, Jesus is one edge and the Holy Spirit is the other edge of this spiritual sword.  It is only the Spirit and the Word together that gives you the two edges of the  sword of Christ that cuts in two directions at the same time. Both the spirit and the natural are changed when the two edged sword of Christ is applied to a life. For the children of God the word sword is equal to Spirit Word.
      In the natural the word sword represents power, protection, authority, strength and courage. In the Spirit, a Spirit Word provides power, protection, authority, strength and courage to the ones who receives the fullness of the God given word. A spoken Spirit Word will cause transformation in the hearer. This is important because unless we are transformed by the word of God, we won't be able to overcome the world. We must be overcomers in our part of the world. Why? To be examples to those around us of how the power of God is real and available for us today. No part of the earth is the same. Different areas of the earth are inhabited by different demons with different methods of operation. We need to hear the Spirit of God speak the words of Jesus to us in certain ways to be effective in our assigned areas of the earth.
     A good example of this can be found in the book of Revelation chapter two in the church of Pergamos. The word Pergamos means citadel. A citadel is the core fortified area of a town or city. It is a little city within a city. For example like a castle or fortress. It is the strongest part of a city and it's last line of defense. Pergamos was known to be satan's headquarters. The bible says that satan dwells in Pergamos. This is where his seat is located. The church at Pergamos had to be able to function in the very fortified place satan called home. This was their assigned part of the earth. How could these saints hold fast to the name of Jesus Christ in the middle of so much confusion?
     The answer is in how they recognized and received the sound of the voice of Jesus Christ. For their protection, strength and courage they had to receive the voice of Jesus as the Spirit Word  two edged sword. Their ears had to be disciplined to hear his words of protection, strength and courage. They had to be ready to follow the instructions given by his words. By his words they would be transformed into his image. He is the only one who's words defeated satan. In his image they could resist satan and cause him to flee. The word that they received from Jesus in the passed had progressed them to a place of faith to hold fast to the name of Jesus.
     But now the Lord needed them to line up their behavior with the faith of his name. There were some in the church that had faith in the name of Jesus but at the same time they accepted doctrines of satan. For example they called on the name of Jesus, but also committed fornication. They declared the name of the Lord and ate things sacrificed to idols. They put up with things that the Lord hated. It was time for them to repent and move passed these evil ways. If they could not then the Lord would turn the sword of his mouth against them. You can't call on Jesus and continue to behave like satan. Jesus spoke to them as they knew him. He was the two edged sword that first pierced their ears and caused them to repent. They knew it was the same voice now once again calling them to repentance. For those with ears to hear the Spirit Word and act on it, they would be able to overcome the evil that surrounded them. Ears to hear was the key to release the power of the two edged sword of Christ.
     So children of God, by this same Spirit Word two edged sword of Christ we to can overcome the world. No matter what part of the world we may be assigned to, God's word can give us the victory. His word is transforming us into the image of Christ. Our behavior is becoming more Christlike as we repent and leave the evil ways of the world behind. Jesus is the one who has the two edged sword. If we believe him we will overcome and receive the reward of a new name and be able to eat of the hidden manna. This is his promise. 
     May the Lord God give us all ears to hear what the Spirit of God is saying in the Spirit Word two edged sword in the mouth of Christ. Amen!
                                                                                                               Apostle Henry

 Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address  any comments, questions or prayer concerns to oneaccordmin@gmail.com. If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru blogger.com. Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!


Revelation 2:12-17
Numbers 22:5 2Peter 2:15
The two edged sword of Christ cuts in the Spirit and in the natural to transform lives with the promised Spirit Word of God. Let them with ears to hear receive the promise of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name be ye transformed!



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