Ear To Hear (Pt.2 The First and The Last)

Revelation 2:8
And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive.

     There are many sounds to be heard in this walk we call life. But it is only the sound of the voice of Jesus Christ that can give us the power to overcome life. For the bible says that it is in Jesus Christ that we live, move, and have our being. Without the sound of his voice we have no life, no motion and no purpose. Therefore we must discipline our ears to hear him at all times. 
     To discipline our ears means we have to want to hear Christ's voice above all the other voices that try to distract us in the middle of our tests and trials. When we learn of Jesus by studying the word of God, our spirit is exposed to his voice. You hear him when you read or listen to the word because it is being transferred to your soul. 
     You hear his voice even more when you think about what you heard. This is because the sound of Christ's voice is a spiritual sound full of the authority of God. The sound of Jesus's voice carries the full weight of the glory of God. Time after time people in the bible would say no man has ever spoken the way Jesus spoke. Why? Because he spoke with God given authority. The same authority that spoke and created everything out of nothing. This is the same voice that is shaping and forming us in the middle of our life situations. 
     The Holy Spirit prepares us to hear the voice of God in a progressive manner. The preparation only begins when we choose Jesus as our source of faith. Because faith comes by hearing, we must choose to hear Jesus. We must choose to hear him first and last. We must choose to hear him no matter how our situations make us feel. Why? Because Jesus Christ is the first and the last. He is the one who was dead and is alive. There is no one better to take us from the beginning of life to a new beginning of life. No other voice can take us from faith to faith or from glory to glory.
      A good example of ears to hear him as the first and the last comes from the church of Smyrna found in the book of Revelation chapter two. To the church of Smyrna Jesus identified himself as the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive. Why? Because this is the type of personal relationship he had with them. They knew him and recognized him as the one and only one who could speak as the first and the last. He was the only one who could speak from the perspective of one who was dead, and is alive.
       By true relationship, they could hear his voice in their works. They could hear his voice in their tribulations. They could hear his voice in their poverty and their prosperity. They could hear his voice when they were surrounded by the synagogue of satan. These were religious voices that satan was using to destroy them because of their love for God. The people of the church at Smyrna had heard his voice in all these situations and disciplined their ears to hear him in these things.
      Jesus used the sound of his voice and his relationship with the church of Smyrna to progress their hearing to the next level of walking in his ways. He needed them to proceed with no fear in the things they were about to suffer. He used his voice to adjust their ears to the place of hearing and receiving him with no fear.
      He now needed them to hear his voice above the sound of all the voices coming in this new wave of suffering. He told them the truth about what the devil was about to do to them. The devil had been allowed by God to try them for a set time of tribulation. Jesus needed them, like the first time, to fix their ears on the sound of his voice. Why? Because like the first time, it would be the sound of his voice that would get them through this last time of test and trail. This was the final exam for them. If they had ears to hear what the Spirit of God was saying  and acted upon what they heard they would receive a crown of life.They would receive it from the one who was dead, and is still alive. If they overcame they could never be hurt by the second death.
       As children of God fix your ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying today. Discipline your ears to receive the sound of his voice at all times good and bad. For like the church of Smyrna we to are being prepared for final exams. How we recognize and receive his voice is how we will respond at the time of our test and trial.
      So Father we receive the sound of your Son's voice on today. Let the sound of his voice be fixed in our ear that it may take us passed all fears at the time of our testing. Help us to over come ourselves and the world in Jesus name amen!  

                                                                                          Apostle Henry 

Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address  any comments, questions or prayer concerns to oneaccordmin@gmail.com. If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru blogger.com. Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!


Revelation 2:8-11
John 10:1-5
Luke 12:30-32
Fear not! Although you may feel like you are surrounded by dark and dead situations. Hear the sound of the voice of Jesus in your ear. The sound of his voice causes his light to shine in you to drive out every dark fear. It is not about how you feel, it's about  who he is! He is the first and the last. Shine on saints! Shine on! 


  1. Thank you so very much Apostle. Thank you! #StayFocusOnPurpose

    1. Thank you for your response. I pray for increase in your relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I pray that you hear them in ways you never heard them before. I thank God for the vision and power that he has given you to walk as his child. As his son I declare a thousand fold blessing on you and your house. No more worry, just focus and keep walking in Christ. Let the proceeding Word of the Lord keep you moving forward in Jesus Name!


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