Ear To Hear ( Intro )
Matthew 11:15
He that has ears to hear, let him hear.
The power to perceive sound is an amazing thing. Do you hear that? Wherever you are right now your ears are detecting sound. It could be many sounds or just one. God has given us the ability to hear many different sounds at one time. But he has also given us the ability to focus our ears to hear one particular sound out of many different sounds. For example, when a child is in a large group of unfamiliar people the child hears many voices. But it is the voice of his parent that is recognizable above all the other voices. The sound of the parent's voice can never be forgotten. Not only do you hear the sound, you also feel the sound of a parent's voice.
When a sound is truly heard it brings out some kind of response from the hearer. Jesus used the ability to choose sound to teach his disciples how to respond to the word of God. Because we have the same ability to choose sound the Holy Spirit uses it to teach us today. When we learn of Jesus Christ in the word, there are key words the Holy Spirit uses that draws our attention.
I think that the basic key words that focus on who Jesus Christ is and his relationship to God the Father draws us to God like the voice of a parent calling their child. Jesus said that his sheep hear the sound of his voice. His sheep are all those who have chosen him as the one and only doorway to God the Father. Those that have not chosen Jesus hear many sounds but refuse to tune their ears to the sound of his voice. They won't hear him no matter how he speaks to their generation. Only those who have an open heart can have an open ear to what the Spirit of God is transmitting. They hear the God frequency because of an open heart. Also I believe that all nature can hear the sound of his voice because he created all nature. Human nature can hear and choose to obey or disobey the sound of his voice.
I believe that Abraham is a good example of someone who could hear the God frequency. I say this because he could hear the sound of God's voice in the middle of a people that served many other created gods. He could hear God's voice speaking in the middle of false worship because his heart above any other thing was open to the truth. The gods he knew at the time had mouths, but could not speak. They had ears, but could not hear. It was the one and only true living God's voice that called him from Abram to Abraham.
The same is true for us today. I could not hear his voice until I chose to listen to the voice calling me away from the sounds of sin. The sound of sin is distracting. It distracts you from the sound of God's voice. Sin cannot cancel the sound of his voice. Because of the distraction of sin we can choose not to listen to his voice.
It is important to know that God hears the sound of our voice. He has an ear to hear all that we say and don't say. He hears us even on the inside. He hears what we think. It's amazing that he and we both have ears to hear. This is because hearing is key to communication. This is why when we pray he hears our prayers. But a key part of prayer is to wait and listen for God's response. When we study the word, we are to meditate on the word as a part of our study. We hear the word and the Holy Spirit brings understanding to the word.
God has our attention when our ear is tuned to his word. A tuned ear is a hearing ear. A ear that hears the word of God is now open to faith. Faith comes by hearing, and by hearing the word of God. Therefore the key to our faith is an ear to hear. Without a hearing ear we will never obtain faith in God. Without faith it is impossible to please God. How you receive the one you hear will determine how you receive what you hear. So children of God open your heart wide to the Spirit of God so that you may hear him well. Ask the Holy Spirit on today to tune your ears to the God frequency. Now prepare to receive in Jesus name amen! This is the introduction. Open your ears. More to come.
Apostle Henry
Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address any comments, questions or prayer concerns to oneaccordmin@gmail.com. If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru blogger.com. Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!
Matthew 11:15-19
John 10:25-30
Genesis 12:1-4
Romans 10:17
All creation has ears to hear what the creator has to say. Therefore we have no excuse. We can never say we did not hear the voice of God.
He that has ears to hear, let him hear.
The power to perceive sound is an amazing thing. Do you hear that? Wherever you are right now your ears are detecting sound. It could be many sounds or just one. God has given us the ability to hear many different sounds at one time. But he has also given us the ability to focus our ears to hear one particular sound out of many different sounds. For example, when a child is in a large group of unfamiliar people the child hears many voices. But it is the voice of his parent that is recognizable above all the other voices. The sound of the parent's voice can never be forgotten. Not only do you hear the sound, you also feel the sound of a parent's voice.
When a sound is truly heard it brings out some kind of response from the hearer. Jesus used the ability to choose sound to teach his disciples how to respond to the word of God. Because we have the same ability to choose sound the Holy Spirit uses it to teach us today. When we learn of Jesus Christ in the word, there are key words the Holy Spirit uses that draws our attention.
I think that the basic key words that focus on who Jesus Christ is and his relationship to God the Father draws us to God like the voice of a parent calling their child. Jesus said that his sheep hear the sound of his voice. His sheep are all those who have chosen him as the one and only doorway to God the Father. Those that have not chosen Jesus hear many sounds but refuse to tune their ears to the sound of his voice. They won't hear him no matter how he speaks to their generation. Only those who have an open heart can have an open ear to what the Spirit of God is transmitting. They hear the God frequency because of an open heart. Also I believe that all nature can hear the sound of his voice because he created all nature. Human nature can hear and choose to obey or disobey the sound of his voice.
I believe that Abraham is a good example of someone who could hear the God frequency. I say this because he could hear the sound of God's voice in the middle of a people that served many other created gods. He could hear God's voice speaking in the middle of false worship because his heart above any other thing was open to the truth. The gods he knew at the time had mouths, but could not speak. They had ears, but could not hear. It was the one and only true living God's voice that called him from Abram to Abraham.
The same is true for us today. I could not hear his voice until I chose to listen to the voice calling me away from the sounds of sin. The sound of sin is distracting. It distracts you from the sound of God's voice. Sin cannot cancel the sound of his voice. Because of the distraction of sin we can choose not to listen to his voice.
It is important to know that God hears the sound of our voice. He has an ear to hear all that we say and don't say. He hears us even on the inside. He hears what we think. It's amazing that he and we both have ears to hear. This is because hearing is key to communication. This is why when we pray he hears our prayers. But a key part of prayer is to wait and listen for God's response. When we study the word, we are to meditate on the word as a part of our study. We hear the word and the Holy Spirit brings understanding to the word.
God has our attention when our ear is tuned to his word. A tuned ear is a hearing ear. A ear that hears the word of God is now open to faith. Faith comes by hearing, and by hearing the word of God. Therefore the key to our faith is an ear to hear. Without a hearing ear we will never obtain faith in God. Without faith it is impossible to please God. How you receive the one you hear will determine how you receive what you hear. So children of God open your heart wide to the Spirit of God so that you may hear him well. Ask the Holy Spirit on today to tune your ears to the God frequency. Now prepare to receive in Jesus name amen! This is the introduction. Open your ears. More to come.
Apostle Henry
Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address any comments, questions or prayer concerns to oneaccordmin@gmail.com. If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru blogger.com. Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!
Matthew 11:15-19
John 10:25-30
Genesis 12:1-4
Romans 10:17
All creation has ears to hear what the creator has to say. Therefore we have no excuse. We can never say we did not hear the voice of God.
Amen. His voice is what we must cling to like never before. I'm so thankful for His voice and Him blessing me with the ability to hear Him. Oh it is priceless!!! ������������
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