Ear To Hear ( Pt.1 He That Holds )

Revelation 1:16
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shines in his strength.

     The whole reason for Christ to come to earth was to reconnect God to man. He came to restore right relationship that had been damaged by the actions of satan. The damage was done by the use of sharp words designed to cut in one direction. The words used by satan were designed to cause separation  been God and his creation man. Like in the garden of Eden satan is still using the ears of man to keep man away from God. The devil knows that faith in anything has to come from hearing and believing something heard. He knows that a lie hid inside some truth can be very effective in driving two parties apart.
     There is no doubt what you hear effects your actions. How you receive the one who speaks, plays a big role in the effect what is said has on the ones who hear. For example the words the devil spoke to Eve in the garden of Eden was received by her with very little resistance. She perceived him as no threat so the words he spoke was taken and put into action. His goal was to use words to get man to mistrust the original words spoken to man by God. It all depends on how you receive the one who speaks the word into your ear.
     Jesus has said that he and God the Father are one. Jesus has also said he that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says. Therefore how we personally receive Jesus will affect how we receive God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Who is Jesus that we should listen, trust and act on his word? It is impossible to answer that question? Why? Because Jesus is more than we can put into words. It would take eternity to even begin to define the life he generates. However it is most important how we receive his words in our ear. I will use the next several blogs to express to you some of  what Jesus has said in his own words about who he is and how he is to be received by his people.
     We begin at the end of the bible in the book of Revelation. This book was given to us by God through the apostle John to give us a better picture of  Jesus. To start Jesus spoke these words in John's ear with his voice. The same voice John had heard for three and a half years he recognized as the voice of Jesus. Jesus began to take the cover off himself before John by first using words like I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending. Also words like I am he that lives, and was dead, and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and I have the keys to hell and death. John knew only Jesus could speak  these words with such authority. His ears heard and received immediately the words spoken by Jesus. There was no doubt in him that it was Jesus speaking. 
      John recorded for our benefit the conversations that Jesus had with seven churches. Jesus announced himself to each church a in a different way.
       To the church at Ephesus Jesus announced himself as he that holds. To hold means to grasp, carry, or support with your arms or hands. This people understood that it was Jesus who held them in his right hand. It was he who was their support. It was he who was speaking these words into their ears. The things he spoke needed to be received and acted on in order for this people to progress. This church was only receiving him as the one who supports. There is more to Jesus than just support. He was speaking to them to take them from that place into a new dimension. He was not pleased that they had stopped at seeing him as just a supporter. At one time they saw him as more. He needed them to return their hearts to a place of being open to him in every way. Because someone supports you does not mean you have love for that person. You are only involved with them because of your need.  You can even be involved with good works and still not love the one in charge of the work. It is your relationship with the Master that keeps your light burning bright.
     So children of God it is important to know that Jesus has a voice that can get the attention of those who need support. He hears us when we are in need and our ears are open to hear him because of our need. But this is just a starting place. We are to see him as so much more and position ourselves for the increase. Thank him for the support but open your ears for something beyond just getting your needs met. There is another sound to his voice. Those with an ear let them hear what's next says the Lord. Be sure to catch the next blog for part two of Ear To Hear. Be blessed in Jesus name. Amen!
                                                                         Apostle Henry 


 Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address  any comments, questions or prayer concerns to oneaccordmin@gmail.com. If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru blogger.com. Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!


Revelation 1:4-18
Revelation 2:1-7
God's promise of support is in the right hand of Jesus. The sound of his word in our ear is his promise in motion. His word never returns to him empty. He that holds will always hold us up and more. 


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