Who's Are You?

Click Intro link before reading:  https://youtu.be/dodyhoXeGGs
And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt you between two opinions? If the Lord be God, Then follow Him: But if baal ( devil ) then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.

     Who's are you? This is the question for the day. The answer to this question can truly only be answered by you. What is contained in your heart is a good indication of what you believe. What you believe determines your actions. How you act determines if you belong to the kingdom of God or the kingdom of the devil.
      Why should this be important to you? It is important because everyone wants to know who they are, why they exist and where they are going! The answer to who and why can only come from the one that made you. I am not speaking of your natural mother and father. No, I am speaking of the one who created all things including you and me.
      There is only one that was, is, and is to come. He has no beginning and no end! Everything else and everyone else was made by Him including the devil. Because of sin God's creation was split into two different families, good and evil. We can only belong to one and we can only belong by choice.
      We belong to one or the other with absolutely no middle ground. Yet God loves us so much that he allows us to choose! At one point in my life I chose not to believe in God or the devil. I chose myself over both of them. I would rule my own kingdom separate from the other two.  If I chose myself I would not have to choose God or the devil. I could be on the fence between the two worlds in my own world. 
     One day I was looking out the window and saw a curious sight that change my way of thinking on this matter. I saw a possum walking along the fence that separated my yard and my neighbor's yard. Well this possum look like he was having a mighty fine time making his way to wherever he was going. He did not seem to care that there were two huge dogs in my neighbor's yard. Well of course they started barking and jumping as he moved across the fence. Now this is the strange part. The possum stopped midway across the fence. Then he seemed to just pass out! At the same time he then fell over the fence right into the barking dog's mouth! What happened? Nature happened! You see a possum's natural defense when in danger is to play dead. This animal could not help himself. Every thing in him told him to react that way. For him it was the only thing he knew to do even though the dogs were no real threat to him because of his position on the fence.  If he fell on my side of the yard he would have been safe and alive. But his nature and gravity pulled him to the wrong side of the fence where he met his total destruction. For you see the dogs tore him to pieces! 
     Then I realized living life on the fence was impossible. Why? Because my human nature would always cause me to fall on the wrong side of the fence. It was my human nature that put me on the fence in the first place! When I became born again I understood there is no fence. There is only a choice between God or devil. We are born in sin! It is our nature to sin! Only God our creator can change our nature. Without the Holy Spirit living in me, I would continue to practice a life of sin. 
     It is God's Spirit that teaches me to live according to God's original plan for my life. Born again means my spirit man is alive and well. Before Christ I was only flesh. Because of my dead spirit man I was cut of from God. I could only choose devil. Now because of what Jesus did on the cross it is possible for us to choose not to sin. God says I have set before you life and death. Therefore choose life that you may live! God is life. Devil is death. We must choose between the two!    
     Our life on this earth has been given to us by God so that we may make a choice between him and the devil. We can choose when our heart is in a place to receive the gospel message of Jesus Christ. So fear not. The purpose of this blog today is for you to know what is in your heart so that you know who you belong to. Today is your day to settle it once and for all. If you already know, Amen! But if you are unsure, today is your day to choose life! Just repeat these words and believe in your heart. Your true life is about to begin! Just repeat the following prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus, please forgive me for my sins. I repent and I am sorry for sinning against you, myself and others. Please come into my heart. I receive you now as my Lord and Savior. I choose you. I belong to you! Fill me with the Holy Spirit that I may be who you created me to be today and forevermore! Amen and Hallelujah. Thank you Lord! 

If you repeated the prayer, welcome brother or sister to the family! On behalf of our heavenly Father welcome to life! Feel free to connect with us so that we may help you to keep moving forward in Jesus name! Amen and Amen! 

                                                                                  Apostle Henry

 Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address  any comments or questions to oneaccordmin@gmail.com. If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru blogger.com. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!

1 Kings 18: 20-40
John 3:1-21 

Choose this day who you will serve. Declare who is your Father. Make your calling and election sure. For your choice determines your destiny.



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