The Father's Draw
John 6:44
No man can come to me, except the Father which has sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
Have you ever looked up at the night sky and just stared at the moon and stars? Have you ever felt that there was something greater beyond them? Have you ever looked into the blue sky mixed with clouds and wondered is there someone greater looking back? All humans at some point in life must fill a sense of something greater than self. You look up knowing something is out there and you feel a pull. It is like deep down inside, you feel that out there is where you belong! Something or someone is calling you home. What is this feeling? Why do we get it? This feeling is called the draw.
The draw is the call of Father God to us from heaven. It is no different than a parent calling his child from a crowd of people. The child knows the voice of the parent and reacts to their call. The obedient child moves in the direction of the parent. The disobedient child moves away from the parents voice and goes deeper into the crowd. Why? Because the disobedient child is distracted and will not focus on the parents voice even though the parent is calling continually.
I believe Father God is continually trying to get the attention of his children. But it is only when the children come to the end of themselves can they truly and sincerely feel the draw of the Father's voice. There is a point in all our lives when situations are allowed to bring us to the place where we want to hear a voice that can change our situations. At times like these the draw of the Father leads us to Jesus Christ who was sent by the Father to raise us up!
Christ Jesus was sent so that we could be changed from the inside out. Why? So we can rise above all situations and focus on the Father. It is Jesus who brings us to the Father. Why? So we can learn of him. It is the draw of the Father that brings us to Jesus. No one comes to Christ Jesus unless they are drawn by the Father. No one comes to the Father unless they first go through Jesus the Son. No one comes to God on their own. No one will ever be able to boast that they came to God all by themselves.
For us, God gave his Son that we might live by the sound of his voice calling us to eternal salvation. The sound of the Son's words teaches us of God. Anyone who hears the Son's words and learns of the Father comes to Jesus. Anyone who believes in Jesus has everlasting life. The Father's draw is full of everlasting life. It is the love of this eternal life that draws us beyond the stars into the throne room of the Father. This same life is the way that keeps us ever moving towards God.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit together keeps us moving forward in the truth. It is the truth that sets us and keeps us free! The truth is that it is the Father who draws us to him. It is the blood of Jesus that saves. It is the power of Holy Spirit that helps us keep our focus on the Father and the Son. They all keep us moving forward in an endless progressive way of life.
If you are a child of God today, you already feel what I am feeling today! You already feel the draw! If you don't, just get in a quit place and focus on God. I guarantee you will! Just open your heart for real and you will feel the draw! If you think you are not a child of God you should think again! You see, if you are reading this blog, it is because you have already been drawn to it by the Father! All you have to do to complete the connection and flow is pray the following prayer:
Dear Father, please forgive me for my sins. I repent and I am sorry for sinning against you, myself and others. Please come into my heart. I receive Jesus Christ now as my Lord and Savior. I choose you. I belong to you! Fill me Holy Spirit and teach me my Father's way of life that I may be who you created me to be today and forevermore! Amen and Hallelujah. Thank you Lord!
If you prayed this prayer I would like to be the first to wish you happy birthday and welcome to the family of God! If you are already my brother or sister I say to you today let us all continue to position ourselves to keep feeling the draw of the Father. Let us all keep moving forward in the name of Jesus. I can't do what you have been created to do. Neither can you do what I have been created to do. But if we keep moving together for the glory of God, then his will be done today and forever more amen and amen! Truly, truly, how great is our God and Father!!!!!
Apostle Henry
Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address any comments, questions or prayer concerns to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!
The Song Of Solomon 1:4
John 6:44-45
Isaiah 54:13-15,17
John 6:37
The Father's draw is real. He gets your attention with a picture in the sky. Look up child and see.
No man can come to me, except the Father which has sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
Have you ever looked up at the night sky and just stared at the moon and stars? Have you ever felt that there was something greater beyond them? Have you ever looked into the blue sky mixed with clouds and wondered is there someone greater looking back? All humans at some point in life must fill a sense of something greater than self. You look up knowing something is out there and you feel a pull. It is like deep down inside, you feel that out there is where you belong! Something or someone is calling you home. What is this feeling? Why do we get it? This feeling is called the draw.
The draw is the call of Father God to us from heaven. It is no different than a parent calling his child from a crowd of people. The child knows the voice of the parent and reacts to their call. The obedient child moves in the direction of the parent. The disobedient child moves away from the parents voice and goes deeper into the crowd. Why? Because the disobedient child is distracted and will not focus on the parents voice even though the parent is calling continually.
I believe Father God is continually trying to get the attention of his children. But it is only when the children come to the end of themselves can they truly and sincerely feel the draw of the Father's voice. There is a point in all our lives when situations are allowed to bring us to the place where we want to hear a voice that can change our situations. At times like these the draw of the Father leads us to Jesus Christ who was sent by the Father to raise us up!
Christ Jesus was sent so that we could be changed from the inside out. Why? So we can rise above all situations and focus on the Father. It is Jesus who brings us to the Father. Why? So we can learn of him. It is the draw of the Father that brings us to Jesus. No one comes to Christ Jesus unless they are drawn by the Father. No one comes to the Father unless they first go through Jesus the Son. No one comes to God on their own. No one will ever be able to boast that they came to God all by themselves.
For us, God gave his Son that we might live by the sound of his voice calling us to eternal salvation. The sound of the Son's words teaches us of God. Anyone who hears the Son's words and learns of the Father comes to Jesus. Anyone who believes in Jesus has everlasting life. The Father's draw is full of everlasting life. It is the love of this eternal life that draws us beyond the stars into the throne room of the Father. This same life is the way that keeps us ever moving towards God.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit together keeps us moving forward in the truth. It is the truth that sets us and keeps us free! The truth is that it is the Father who draws us to him. It is the blood of Jesus that saves. It is the power of Holy Spirit that helps us keep our focus on the Father and the Son. They all keep us moving forward in an endless progressive way of life.
If you are a child of God today, you already feel what I am feeling today! You already feel the draw! If you don't, just get in a quit place and focus on God. I guarantee you will! Just open your heart for real and you will feel the draw! If you think you are not a child of God you should think again! You see, if you are reading this blog, it is because you have already been drawn to it by the Father! All you have to do to complete the connection and flow is pray the following prayer:
Dear Father, please forgive me for my sins. I repent and I am sorry for sinning against you, myself and others. Please come into my heart. I receive Jesus Christ now as my Lord and Savior. I choose you. I belong to you! Fill me Holy Spirit and teach me my Father's way of life that I may be who you created me to be today and forevermore! Amen and Hallelujah. Thank you Lord!
If you prayed this prayer I would like to be the first to wish you happy birthday and welcome to the family of God! If you are already my brother or sister I say to you today let us all continue to position ourselves to keep feeling the draw of the Father. Let us all keep moving forward in the name of Jesus. I can't do what you have been created to do. Neither can you do what I have been created to do. But if we keep moving together for the glory of God, then his will be done today and forever more amen and amen! Truly, truly, how great is our God and Father!!!!!
Apostle Henry
Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address any comments, questions or prayer concerns to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!
The Song Of Solomon 1:4
John 6:44-45
Isaiah 54:13-15,17
John 6:37
The Father's draw is real. He gets your attention with a picture in the sky. Look up child and see.
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