The Sevenfold Anointing
Isaiah 11:2
And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the of the Lord
Anointing in general means to cover with oil or cover with a type of substance. When we think of our Lord Christ Jesus the word anointing takes on other dimensions. The word of God is a transitional witness to the fact that Jesus was fully covered by the seven spirits of God. Each of these spirits fully rested on him at the same time. They were with him always. At any given time he could access them one at a time or all at the same time.
The enemy tries to use seven oppressive spirits against us and our Christ like way of life. It is his answer to counter the power that is released from the seven fold anointing effect that the seven spirits of God has in Jesus Christ. The enemy wants the degenerative effect of sin to open the door for doubt, distraction, diversion, discouragement, depression, delay, and finally defeat. These oppressive spirits press upon us, with one being heaver than the other. If one gets in the others will follow.
The seven spirits of God has a progressive effect that is uplifting. They don't oppress, they set you free. In Christ is freedom of the soul. Even when this world tries to oppress you on the outside our soul remains free because we have Christ on the inside. He gives us the power to resist the effects of the enemy. How? Because when we are in Christ we are also covered by the seven spirits of God. Because of our position in Christ the enemy can't see us, he only sees Jesus and the seven spirits of God that rest on him! When we are in Christ the enemy sees the truth about who we are in Jesus. He sees the Spirit of the Lord covering Jesus and giving him authority over everything including him! He sees the Spirit of wisdom staring him in the face with a deep knowledge that is so far above him that he becomes dysfunctional! He sees the Spirit of understanding that he just can't comprehend because his pride has wrecked his mental capability! He sees the Spirit of counsel that guards the thoughts and advice given by God. It prevents him from taking the word of God and turning it into a lie for those who are in Christ! He sees the Spirit of might that is so great that he trembles! Why? Because he knows it is the greatest power and strength known or unknown! It's the might of almighty God! He sees the Spirit of knowledge that reminds him how little he actual knows! Finally he sees the Spirit of the fear of the Lord that causes him to respect God! Those in Christ respect God because of love. The enemy respects God because he is afraid!
We who are in Christ are taught by the Holy Spirit of God when and how to access these seven spirits in our charge to resist the devil. God has given us seven weapons that are perfect and complete. Weapons that are not carnal but mighty through Christ for the advancement of his family! So children of God, you gifts of the five fold ministry, use the word of God today! Choose your weapons well! Let us all on today resist the enemy by allowing the seven Spirits of God full access to our soul. Let us through our obedience to God oppress the devil today! Amen and hallelujah!!! His name is Jesus. Keep moving forward in Him!
Apostle Henry
Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address any comments, questions or prayer concerns to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!
Isaiah 11:1-5
Isaiah 61:1-11
1Corinthians 2:6-16
Great are you Lord! Anoint us with your seven spirits. May the Holy Spirit teach us to flow in them. Let us be perfect and complete in You through your Son Jesus Christ. Amen!
And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the of the Lord
Anointing in general means to cover with oil or cover with a type of substance. When we think of our Lord Christ Jesus the word anointing takes on other dimensions. The word of God is a transitional witness to the fact that Jesus was fully covered by the seven spirits of God. Each of these spirits fully rested on him at the same time. They were with him always. At any given time he could access them one at a time or all at the same time.
The enemy tries to use seven oppressive spirits against us and our Christ like way of life. It is his answer to counter the power that is released from the seven fold anointing effect that the seven spirits of God has in Jesus Christ. The enemy wants the degenerative effect of sin to open the door for doubt, distraction, diversion, discouragement, depression, delay, and finally defeat. These oppressive spirits press upon us, with one being heaver than the other. If one gets in the others will follow.
The seven spirits of God has a progressive effect that is uplifting. They don't oppress, they set you free. In Christ is freedom of the soul. Even when this world tries to oppress you on the outside our soul remains free because we have Christ on the inside. He gives us the power to resist the effects of the enemy. How? Because when we are in Christ we are also covered by the seven spirits of God. Because of our position in Christ the enemy can't see us, he only sees Jesus and the seven spirits of God that rest on him! When we are in Christ the enemy sees the truth about who we are in Jesus. He sees the Spirit of the Lord covering Jesus and giving him authority over everything including him! He sees the Spirit of wisdom staring him in the face with a deep knowledge that is so far above him that he becomes dysfunctional! He sees the Spirit of understanding that he just can't comprehend because his pride has wrecked his mental capability! He sees the Spirit of counsel that guards the thoughts and advice given by God. It prevents him from taking the word of God and turning it into a lie for those who are in Christ! He sees the Spirit of might that is so great that he trembles! Why? Because he knows it is the greatest power and strength known or unknown! It's the might of almighty God! He sees the Spirit of knowledge that reminds him how little he actual knows! Finally he sees the Spirit of the fear of the Lord that causes him to respect God! Those in Christ respect God because of love. The enemy respects God because he is afraid!
We who are in Christ are taught by the Holy Spirit of God when and how to access these seven spirits in our charge to resist the devil. God has given us seven weapons that are perfect and complete. Weapons that are not carnal but mighty through Christ for the advancement of his family! So children of God, you gifts of the five fold ministry, use the word of God today! Choose your weapons well! Let us all on today resist the enemy by allowing the seven Spirits of God full access to our soul. Let us through our obedience to God oppress the devil today! Amen and hallelujah!!! His name is Jesus. Keep moving forward in Him!
Apostle Henry
Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address any comments, questions or prayer concerns to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!
Isaiah 11:1-5
Isaiah 61:1-11
1Corinthians 2:6-16
Great are you Lord! Anoint us with your seven spirits. May the Holy Spirit teach us to flow in them. Let us be perfect and complete in You through your Son Jesus Christ. Amen!
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