What to do in times of distress.
Psalm 120:1
In my distress I cried unto the Lord, and he heard me.
The word distress means extreme anxiety, sorrow or pain. I believe it is safe to say that we all have experienced in these days and times some form of distress. Extreme anxiety, sorrow or pain has almost become an everyday norm. The state of the world today is truly uncertain when you look to the world to bring you love, peace and joy. In fact it is the world that is the source of the distress that we feel.
The bible says that in this world there would be wars and rumors of wars. It says that kingdom shall rise against kingdom. It says that there will be earthquakes, famines and pestilences in different places in the world. All this is a true fact in this world. The bible also says that when you see all these things happening in the world today be not afraid for they are the beginning of sorrows. In other words they are the beginning of distress. It stands to reason if the source of distress is in the world, then we need to look above the world to find the love, peace and joy we all seek.
In the natural world distress causes stress. Stress weakens the body. Continual distress will causes the body to die prematurely. This lines up with the plans of satan to totally wipe out all human life. He creates systems based on stress that in turn causes us to be distressed because we live in the world. If you see something that means you have become aware of the thing. You know it exists even if you have not been exposed to it yet. Just the knowledge of the thing can cause one to be in distress.
The bible never said we would not be in distress. In fact it tells us specifically what to do when we are in distress. The bible says we are to cry unto the Lord in our time of distress. Why cry unto the Lord? You cry unto the Lord because he is the maker of heaven and earth. You are earth. God knows what it takes to bring love, peace and joy to your earth when it is being over run with all kinds of distress.
We cry unto the Lord because he is good. In times of distress we need good help. All good help comes from the Lord. We cry upon the Lord because he never slumbers. The devil is trying to move us from our God given place. Only the Lord will cause our foot not to be moved. We cry unto the Lord because he is our keeper. Only he can shade us from the distress that comes under the sun in the day and under the moon at night. We cry unto the Lord because he shall preserve us from all evil. In a world full of distress he shall preserve our mind, will and emotions.
We cry unto the Lord because he will preserve our going out and our coming in. Often when we get distressed we get confused and don't know which direction we should truly be going in at the time. The Lord says he will maintain our course as it applies to our God given destiny starting right now and forever more. In other words he will help us stay on track forever.
We cry unto the Lord most of all because he is our Father. So child of God don't be dismayed and don't worry in these troubled times. In these troubled times and even in times of peace cry out unto the Lord and he will hear you. In doing so he will be your strength in that moment. I know, you say all we need to do in times of distress is call on the Lord. Is it really that simple?
Yes it is. You see when you see the Lord as a loving parent it really is that simple. When our children cry we answer as quickly as possible. We give them what they need to make them feel better and to keep them progressing. God does the same for us but far better than we can ever hope to do for our children. God will give us the power to faint not because he is our Father. So call on him, cast off the distress and keep moving forward in Jesus name. It is your divine destiny.
Apostle Henry
Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address any comments, questions or prayer concerns to oneaccordmin@gmail.com. If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru blogger.com. Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!
Psalm 121
This does not have to be the new normal. Distress was never meant to be our portion. Only the Lord of heaven and earth can relieve the distress coming upon your earth. He never fails.
In my distress I cried unto the Lord, and he heard me.
The word distress means extreme anxiety, sorrow or pain. I believe it is safe to say that we all have experienced in these days and times some form of distress. Extreme anxiety, sorrow or pain has almost become an everyday norm. The state of the world today is truly uncertain when you look to the world to bring you love, peace and joy. In fact it is the world that is the source of the distress that we feel.
The bible says that in this world there would be wars and rumors of wars. It says that kingdom shall rise against kingdom. It says that there will be earthquakes, famines and pestilences in different places in the world. All this is a true fact in this world. The bible also says that when you see all these things happening in the world today be not afraid for they are the beginning of sorrows. In other words they are the beginning of distress. It stands to reason if the source of distress is in the world, then we need to look above the world to find the love, peace and joy we all seek.
In the natural world distress causes stress. Stress weakens the body. Continual distress will causes the body to die prematurely. This lines up with the plans of satan to totally wipe out all human life. He creates systems based on stress that in turn causes us to be distressed because we live in the world. If you see something that means you have become aware of the thing. You know it exists even if you have not been exposed to it yet. Just the knowledge of the thing can cause one to be in distress.
The bible never said we would not be in distress. In fact it tells us specifically what to do when we are in distress. The bible says we are to cry unto the Lord in our time of distress. Why cry unto the Lord? You cry unto the Lord because he is the maker of heaven and earth. You are earth. God knows what it takes to bring love, peace and joy to your earth when it is being over run with all kinds of distress.
We cry unto the Lord because he is good. In times of distress we need good help. All good help comes from the Lord. We cry upon the Lord because he never slumbers. The devil is trying to move us from our God given place. Only the Lord will cause our foot not to be moved. We cry unto the Lord because he is our keeper. Only he can shade us from the distress that comes under the sun in the day and under the moon at night. We cry unto the Lord because he shall preserve us from all evil. In a world full of distress he shall preserve our mind, will and emotions.
We cry unto the Lord because he will preserve our going out and our coming in. Often when we get distressed we get confused and don't know which direction we should truly be going in at the time. The Lord says he will maintain our course as it applies to our God given destiny starting right now and forever more. In other words he will help us stay on track forever.
We cry unto the Lord most of all because he is our Father. So child of God don't be dismayed and don't worry in these troubled times. In these troubled times and even in times of peace cry out unto the Lord and he will hear you. In doing so he will be your strength in that moment. I know, you say all we need to do in times of distress is call on the Lord. Is it really that simple?
Yes it is. You see when you see the Lord as a loving parent it really is that simple. When our children cry we answer as quickly as possible. We give them what they need to make them feel better and to keep them progressing. God does the same for us but far better than we can ever hope to do for our children. God will give us the power to faint not because he is our Father. So call on him, cast off the distress and keep moving forward in Jesus name. It is your divine destiny.
Apostle Henry
Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address any comments, questions or prayer concerns to oneaccordmin@gmail.com. If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru blogger.com. Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!
Psalm 121
This does not have to be the new normal. Distress was never meant to be our portion. Only the Lord of heaven and earth can relieve the distress coming upon your earth. He never fails.
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