See For Yourself

Psalm 34:8
O taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man that trusts in him.

     The word taste means to perceive or experience the flavor of something. In most cases taste is used to describe food or drink. This is what we say when we eat or drink something we like " Man that taste good." The distinctive taste of that food or drink is known as the flavor of that thing. 
     The bible says to taste and see that the Lord is good. One of the flavors of God is his holy goodness. To taste God's goodness means to experience his essential character. Essential means something that is absolutely necessary for something to be what it is.
     The bible says that God is a Spirit. His Holy Spirit produces nine kinds of spiritual fruit. One of the fruits of the Spirit is goodness. The only way to experience God's true goodness is to allow the Holy Spirit to expose you to the true nature of God through Jesus Christ. This is how you taste or experience the essential character of God.
     The natural sense of taste is fascinating. To really taste something in the natural involves the use of other senses like touch, smell, and sight. The combination of the right touch, the right smell and how something looks always adds to a good taste experience. 
     The same is true in the Spirit. When God's goodness is present other spiritual fruit like love, peace and joy can be present also which magnify God's goodness. It is like how the natural senses work together so that the natural world can be fully experienced. The fruit of the Spirit work together to bring the fullness of the supernatural way of God life into practical order for God's people.
     The bible encourages us to taste or experience God and his supernatural way of life for ourselves. It says that if we do, we will see for ourselves that the Lord is good. Here the word see means to discern or deduce mentally after reflection or from information gained. In short to understand. We are to understand after experiencing the Lord for ourselves that he is good.
     So what happens after we understand that we have experienced the Lord? Once we understand that we have experienced the Lord we open ourselves up to his transformation blessings. We begin to experience him in ways that transform our inner man in good ways.
     For instance when we taste and see how truly good the Lord is we continually bless and praise his name. His goodness causes our mind, will and emotions to boast in the Lord with such truth that the humble shall hear it and be glad. We can't keep him to ourselves. His goodness draws those who has experienced him to magnify and exalt his name together. Yes his goodness causes us to unify. 
     His goodness helps us to seek him through prayer, his word and worship. The Lord hears us when we seek him in these ways and he delivers us from all our fears so that we are no longer ashamed. The poor man cries and the Lord hears him and saves him from all his troubles. His goodness teaches us to fear or respect the Lord. The bible says that the angel of the Lord encamps round about them that fear him and that he delivers them. That is how good the Lord really is.
     This is why the bible says " Blessed is the man that trusts the Lord". This is way I say experience the Lord for yourself. I testify of his goodness today because of what he has truly done in my life. Each time I get in a quiet place with him I experience his goodness over again. Hearsay is one thing, but why ask your neighbor about the goodness of the Lord when you can experience him personally for yourself. So take a step in faith today and spend some time seeking him on this day that he has made for you. He is good and he will bless you if you trust him. This is his word and he cannot lie. Good is good. Go taste for yourself. Keep moving forward in Jesus name and I will see you along the way. Be blessed and stay blessed.
                                                                                              Apostle Henry

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Psalm 34 the entire chapter

The Lord will set a table before your enemies. A table only you can eat from. A table full of good things. The only thing you need to eat from this table is a personal relationship with the Lord for yourself. Experience him for yourself!




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