
Showing posts from April, 2019

Ear To Hear ( Pt.6 ) Him That Is Holy And True

Revelation 3:7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things say he that is holy, he that is true, he that has the key of David, he that opens, and no man shuts; and he that shuts, and no man opens.      He is holy. He is true. He holds the key. From this moment on you who are reading this blog, let your ears be forever tuned to these three sounds; the sound of his holiness, the sound of his truth and the sound of his key unlocking the door to your heart. For he is Jesus Christ. He is the only one holy enough, truthful enough and skillful enough to open the door of our hearts. For the door of our hearts must be open in order for the Holy Spirit of God to come inside and create our heart brand new.      The door to your heart can only be opened through your ears. Why? Because our ears is the lock in which the key that Jesus holds fits. It is not a coincidence that in the middle of the word heart you find the word ear. His key l...

Ear to Hear ( Pt.5 ) The Seven Spirits

Revelation 3:1 And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things says he that have the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars.      In the bible the number seven represents something that is perfect and complete. For example, it took God six days to create the Earth. On the seventh day he rested. Why? Because creation was perfect and complete. It looked good and was good. Creation had everything in place to move forward and fulfill it's God given purpose. It's purpose was to be fruitful and multiply. It was totally full of everything it needed to succeed. What was creation filled with? Creation was filled with the voice of God! For six days creation heard the voice of God.What happened on the seventh day? God stopped speaking and watched for creation's response.      The creative voice of God was different with man. With man God breathed his Spirit first into him before he gave him any other instructions. This was the only ti...

Ear To Hear ( Pt. 4 ) The Son of God

Revelation 2:18 And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who has his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet like fine brass.      Today we continue with our mini series on an Ear to Hear. This is blog number five of the eight blog series. I pray that so far you have been blessed. Again the goal is to make us aware of the voices of Christ that comes to bring transformation to our lives. We want to make it clear that how you receive the voice of Jesus Christ in your ear will determine your progression in him and in the kingdom of God. Therefore he adjusts the sound of his voice to represent who we need the most at the time of our interaction with him.  For example if you receive his voice as savior, then the sound of his voice will save you from your sins. Yes the sound of his voice is the same sound of I AM that spoke to Moses in the book of Exodus. Whatever you need, I AM is that and more. The key is whateve...

Ear To Hear ( Pt.3 Him With The Sharp Sword )

Revelation 2:12 And to the angel of the church in Pergamos  write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges.      The apostle John by the Spirit of God described Jesus as the Word of God. With no doubt we all understand just how powerful the word of God can be when applied to our everyday lives. This power of the word has also been compared to a sword. Not a natural sword, but a spiritual one. You see it is the Spirit of God's word that makes it so powerful. For your ear to hear the word of God means the Spirit of the word of God has pierced through your natural ear. It has cut through  every natural barrier between you and God. Like a sword, God's word pierces and cuts it's way to the heart of every matter. Our ears must be linked to the Spirit of God if we are to receive the sharp two edged sword of Christ. This sword represents the fullness of God's word. The Father is the tip, Jesus is one edge and the Holy Spirit is the other...