Witness God's Fruitfulness

Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

     A witness is a person who sees an event take place.We are God's witnesses in the earth. As children of the most high God we are in the earth to glorify God and testify of his goodness. Part of his goodness is his fruitfulness. What is the fruitfulness of God? The fruit that is produced by the Holy Spirit is the fruitfulness of God. 
     There are nine different types of spiritual fruit produced by the Holy Spirit. They are love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. To those who are willing to receive him, the seeds of this spiritual fruit is sown into their hearts. When we choose to let the meditation of our heart be on the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, then the fruit of the Spirit is produced in our heart. 
     The bible says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak. Therefore whatever is in your heart will be spoken from your mouth. Good or bad you are the first one to hear what comes out of your mouth. It affects you first because it determines the type of testimony you are giving at the time. Your testimony will be Spirit or flesh, but never both. It all depends on what is in your heart at the time. 
     This is why we must be determined to set or heart and mind on Christ. He along with the Holy Spirit helps us to stay focused and set apart for God. Our relationships, health and finances will all yield God fruit that can be seen by all who sees us in the earth. We experience the same things that effect the people of the world but our response is different. Our response is different because our  fruit is different. 
     We are filled with God's fruitfulness. We have chosen to believe him over whatever happens in this fallen world. We can speak boldly of him because we have experienced him for our self. We spread his gospel good news because we have tasted of his good fruit and know that it is very good. We witness his love. We feel his joy and peace. We benefit from his long suffering. We experience his gentleness and goodness. We grow from his faith. The pace of our walk is set by his meekness and temperance.
      All these can truly be spoken of by the children of God. Why? Because those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God. If you are a child of God then his fruit will be apart of your everyday walk. You will be a living witness of his fruitfulness. The fruit will be seen and heard in everyday life. This will fulfill part of our purpose to be witnesses of him in all the earth. 
     So my brothers and sisters rejoice in God and his fruit. Know that in the days, weeks, months and years to come we will be faithful witnesses of him in the earth. Let the whole earth be filled with his fruit and glory in Jesus name amen! Keep moving forward in grace and peace with glory to God!
                                                                             Apostle Henry


  Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address  any comments, questions or prayer concerns to oneaccordmin@gmail.com. If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru blogger.com. Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!


 Psalm 19
Matthew 24:14
Galatians 5:22-25

                                                       New Dawn. New Day. New You.



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