BY My Peace

     John 14:27

     Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid.

      Peace! Peace! Peace! Why is it in this world peace is so hard to find? The answer is easy to understand if you believe the word of God when it says that there is an enemy to man running to and fro, up and down on this earth looking to cause trouble for as many as he can. He (satan) has set up world systems in the earth to cause all types of fear in the hearts of people. He makes people think that they must have this or that in order to live a happy life. This pursuit of happiness causes life to be downgraded from abundant life to just a daily existence.

     The word happy means to feel or show pleasure or contentment while having a sense of confidence in or satisfaction with a person, arrangement, or situation. The world is set up to cause displeasure, discontentment with a sense of no confidence in or no satisfaction with people, arrangements, or situations that control every day life. A fear driven world system will offer it's people peace, while knowing fully it can never happen in a sin based fear driven system.

     Sin is driven by the natural selfish nature in all humans. You see something. You want something. You take something. You suffer the consequences that come with what you obtain thru sin. No where in this process is there a sense of long term peace. There is only a sense of short term gratification in what you obtain, before fear comes along in some form to threaten your new found peace. You want and there is no peace till you get. You get and now have to be responsible for what you have. Still no peace. This is what satan wants for us all. Why? False peace in the hearts of people makes it easy to kill, steal and destroy them.

     This is the only kind of peace that the world gives. It is a temporary satisfaction based on selfishness with no chance for lasting peace. Why? Because  in this world system someone's gain is someone else's loss. Even when most people give it is to obtain some kind of hidden benefit.

     True Peace comes from giving not getting. God the Father set the standard for us when he gave his only begotten Son to us to pay for our sins. The Son in like manner gave his blood for a people who did not even know him or even cared to know him. He gave his blood to lost people that did not even know they were lost, with no hope of ever being found without the sheading of his precious blood. He chose to die for the sins of all with no strings attached.

      He did it because of pure love for a people who would never know true peace as long as they were separated from God their creator. When we connect with our heavenly Father, we enter into a heavenly peace that only comes from a true relationship with him. The same peace that is in heaven can be transferred to earth through Jesus Christ into any person who desires a true relationship with God.

      A true relationship with God will always lead to love for him. Jesus said that if a man loves me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode ( home ) with him. The Father and the Son will come unto a person in ever lasting love and peace. This forever peace is given by Christ to all that want it.  How can he give this heavenly peace to whom ever he chooses? 

     The bible in Isaiah chapter nine verse six gives four functions that the true Christ would flow in with the fullness of power. One of these functions name him as The Prince of Peace. This means he has the power to control all things concerning peace. Therefore anything that deals with the creation, distribution, maintenance and progression of peace in heaven or earth must go through him. 

     The bible gives a good example of how this peace is expressed in a heavenly setting. In Revelation chapter seven verse fifteen thru seventeen we see a sample of this forever peace relationship in motion. It says " Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sits on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb ( Jesus ) which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto fountains of living waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes".

     He only offers true peace as part of the abundant life that comes with the kingdom of God. In order for this true peace to be activated it must first be received. A person must of their on free will choose Jesus Christ as their Lord. Then they must choose to learn about him through learning what the word of God says about him. He then brings rest to the souls of them that believe in him. With your soul at rest in Christ, it is now harder for the problems of the world to over take you. 

     Jesus always starts relationship by speaking words of peace into a person first. He says words like let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. He drives words of fear out of your heart and replaces them with words of everlasting peace. No longer do you have to be uncertain, discouraged with no confidence and frightened by all the things that are happening all over the earth. Start your day by giving God thanks and asking the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to guide you through your day. Allow them to help you bring balance to your days minute by minute in the true peace that they control. This peace is designed to stablish you, strengthen you and settle you.

     The peace of Jesus Christ always has purpose built into it. The peace that Jesus gives always starts by him defining who you are, why you were created and where you fit in the kingdom of heaven. He then maintains his peace by allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us all things that pertain to true life. His peace helps us to determine the difference between right and wrong, which helps us make better decisions about everything dealing with how we were designed to live.

     It takes the strength of Christ working in us to shake off the cares of life that the world unfairly places upon us. We do not possess the natural strength and ability to overcome the world influence on our own. Without Jesus, we have no choice be to give into the constant pressure of world systems. This is why we need the constant presence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit every day all day and night. This is why it is the desire of God to live within you, so that you are never alone and your enemy satan knows it! When he sees you, he sees God!

     Last but not least, the peace that Jesus gives will settle you. The word settle means to reach a decision or agreement about something or to end a disagreement. The peace of Jesus Christ will bring you into FULL agreement with God the Father because of true love for him and not just because of the things we get for being around him. You will love God for who he is and will follow him because of who you are in him. He in you and you in him equals true peace forever.

    The one thing that is clear, is that a choice must be made. Either we believe Jesus or we choose to believe the world. The creator or the created thing. The One is true everlasting peace that is progressive, and the other is false peace that is temporary gratification that leads to total destruction.  The Lord thy God said it this way back in Deuteronomy 30:19 "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed my live".

     The Lord says by my peace comes life. Life comes by choosing his peace on a daily basis so that you may learn what it is to love HIM! This love between me and thee is the most important thing, because by it all things are possible. Receive HIS PEACE and live in HIS LOVE! So my brothers and sisters let not your hearts be troubled by what you see and hear. We have received his peace, now lets continue to walk in it forever more. You are not alone, he is with you always so get to know him better. I will see you on the gospel road.

                                                                                                                  Apostle Henry 

 Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address  any comments or questions to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru We would love to hear from you. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!

John 14:23-31             Isaiah 9:6              Revelation 7:15-17         Deuteronomy 30:15-20

The peace that Jesus Christ gives to us can not be canceled just because the world tries to put us in a cage. It wants to surround us with solid unmovable fear from systems that we hold on to because we don't know how to let them go. It is only in Christ, that we even in a cage, can grow in the kingdom of God as his peace begins on the inside and works it's way out to effect everything around it. Peace that surpasses all understanding!


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