How To Remove Darkness

Ephesians 5:14
Wherefore he says, Awake you that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

     Those that sleep and those that are dead have one common point that they share. That common point is darkness. The word says that this world and it's systems of control are covered in gross darkness. This darkness can be found in the hearts of those who are bound by the world. The darkness in their hearts is seen in the way they live and behave in the world. 
     The appearance of darkness can be deceiving. Darkness is not a color like black or white. It is a state of being that can be hidden behind the face of any color. If this is the case how can darkness be removed if it can't be seen? The fact is that true gross darkness is the opposite of true light. Therefore in order to remove gross darkness you first must know the true light. 
     True light is also a state of being. The only place true light can be found is in the being of Jesus Christ. There is nothing that compares with the true light. Where true light is there is no type darkness. Why? Because true light and gross darkness can not occupy the same space at the same time. There is room for only one. If darkness is in the heart then true light must be received into that heart. True light pushes out all darkness. This changes the state of being of that heart covered in light. Out of the changed heart comes a new and sincere life marked by changed behavior. 
     The standard of behavior set by God is true and good. It is a constant never changing light. The world standard is always changing. It is based on who ever holds the most world power. They do whatever they think is good no matter what standard has been set by the word of God. They  call what they do good even though God calls what they do evil. True darkness is lies and evil being forced on people as truth and good. 
     The only true measure of light and darkness is the weight that is present at the time. The weight of darkness is heavy and oppressive. It weights you down and slows you up. The weight of light frees you up because the truth makes you free even though it may be painful. The removal of darkness may be painful, but the freedom that God brings overcomes the pain. 
     The flow of world information is constant. It comes even when you don't want it. The only way to remove darkness is to choose to learn of Jesus Christ. There must be time set aside each day to spend time with him. When you do the word of God drives the darkness away. The more you learn of him the less effect the darkness can have on you. So learn of him and let all darkness be removed from your heart. Follow his example and learn the true way of life. He is good and it is good! May God's grace and peace keep you moving in his light. All darkness gone!

                                                                       Apostle Henry

 Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address  any comments, questions or prayer concerns to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen! 

Ephesians 5:1-20
Matthew 11:25-30
Matthew 13:13-17 
                                              The Son removes all darkness. He never fails.



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