Lord You Know Me

 Psalm 139:1

O Lord, thou has searched me, and know me.

     Since the dawn of time man has in each generation uncovered things hidden in the earth that have led to the discovery of inventions. The inventions in most cases have been used for both good and bad. The creator of the invention had a specific goal in mind, but often times others took the same invention and used it for other purposes. When this happens the true intention or purpose of the thing created can sometimes be lost forever. Only the creator can look within the thing created and see the purpose he intended. Only the creator can look within the creation to see if it is operating correctly. Only the creator can truly see what is right and what is wrong with his creation.

     Everyone that has ever lived on this planet at one time or another has felt the presence of the creator. At that moment man knew that there was someone higher than man. The bible says in Genesis 1:26 that man was made in the image of God. This means the purpose of man is forever connected to God. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit have a central place in all the affairs of every person. Man was created by them to glorify God. It is in God that man lives, moves and has purpose. Without God, man has no purpose. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit knows EVERYTHING about every person ever born on this planet. The bible says that they have fully searched us and know us. This means that for each one of us, past, present and future, they have created us and explored us to find carefully, lovingly, and thoroughly everything that pertains to all our lives.

     This means that they know every time we rise up and sit down. They understand our thoughts before we even think them. They surround our path every day and they surround our bed every night. This means they see everything we do. They are acquainted with all our ways. There is no word in our tongue good or bad that they don't know before we speak it. They have covered us behind and in front with their loving hands. When we really stop to think what this really means for us, this knowledge is to high and wonderful for us to contain in our mind.

     The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are always with us. Regardless of our spirit condition, there is no place were we can hide from their presence. If we ascend up into heaven, they are there. If we descend into hell, they are there. If we dwell in the middle of the sea, they are there. If we say the darkness of the night shall cover us, behold they are still there. ( Many of us think that if we commit our sins at night then no one can see us. Not so. God sees all. Even on the darkest night.)

     The works of God are wonderful. Man is one of God's wonderful works. The substance of man is not hidden form the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The bible says that all our members are written in the book of God. They were written before they were even fashioned. This means that intelligent design is responsible for the creation of man. 

     This same creator is more than able to search the heart of man. Only God can truly show a person what is really in their heart. Sin opens the door of the heart to things that should never have a place inside a person. God sees all these things. He sees the adultery and fornication before it even happens. He sees the uncleanness and lasciviousness in the heart. He feels the idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions and heresies with every beat of the persons heart. He knows the places we have set aside in the heart to hide the envy, murders, drunkenness and uncontrolled celebrations. Yes, he knows all the secrets of the heart.

     The creator also knows when a heart is open to his ways. He knows when a person truly desires a real relationship with him. It is at this point transformation of the heart takes place and all the space in our heart begins to be filled with the fruit of God. The things that are not of God give way to love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance which are all signs of a transformed life. God knows when these things are a active part of our every day life. The question for us is how do we really know when transformation of our heart is for real ?

     We know transformation of the heart is real because we admit to God with all sincerity that he knows all about us and there is nothing concerning us that is hidden from him. We say Lord you know me. Then we allow him to search our heart and show us the things that must go. After a time we ask him to try us to make sure those things are gone. We want our thoughts to be open to God so that any wicked way may be revealed. Then we ask God to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in his everlasting ways. We say every day Lord you know me, guide me in your ways today. Our prayer is let the same mind that is in Christ Jesus be in us. This is our desire. 

     It must be made clear that the ways of God are not just good works that you try to do. The ways of God is a way of life that he trains us to walk in. We enter his life through the Lord Jesus Christ. His ways become a part of our nature and we just naturally walk in them. This is why we must trust and believe that he knows everything about us at all times. If we respect our relationship with God, we will follow his ways out of love and honor for him. We will allow God to help us control our mind, will and emotions. We will want the Holy Spirit to lead us in everything that pertains to life.

      In short we will yield to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit this day and forevermore. We will walk with the Father and become more like him with every step. So children of God fear not in these troubled times. Just believe the word of the Father and just keep walking and you will see the salvation of the Lord with your own eyes. May the good Lord bless you and keep you all the days of your life. Just always remember he knows all about you. Amen.

                                                                                    Apostle Henry

 Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address  any comments or questions to oneaccordmin@gmail.com. If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru blogger.com. We would love to hear from you. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!

Psalm 139

God knows every detail concerning everything. He can see the hidden in the very center of a thing. He can see our center. He knows what he put in us and he knows what we put in us. He knows by design what fits in us for the purpose of his creation. It is the things that don't fit that cause all the trouble. Lord you know me. Only you can fix me. Thank you Lord.




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