The Working Salvation of God
Psalm 62:1-2
Truly my soul waits upon God: from him comes my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved.
The word salvation means preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin or loss. The salvation of God that Christ brought to us from heaven is to give us deliverance from sin and it's consequences. The sin in our life is designed to bring harm, ruin and loss to our soul. Our soul is under constant attack by the ways of this world. Through Christ our souls can now be set free from the effects of sin if we allow Jesus Christ to set us free. He came to save us from ourselves and reconnect us to God. He came to keep us safe from destruction by releasing the power of God's word to bring a constant flow of God life to us and also paying the price for our sins by the shedding of his blood. His actions opened the door for the working salvation of God to bring us back to life.
The bible makes it clear that we all were dead in trespasses and sins before Christ. We all walked according to the course of this world that has been laid out by satan. We all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of our flesh and of the mind. We all were by nature the children of wrath. This means that sin had full control of our soul.
The soul is the place where all our decisions are made. What effects the soul, has a direct effect on our decision making process. For good or bad, our mind, will and emotions will be controlled by input into the soul. The right input will preserve the soul and the wrong input will cause destruction of the soul. The wages of sin is death. Therefore sin is designed to cause deliberate harm to the soul. Sin effects the mind. This in turn effects the will. With the will effected, there is a loss of control over the emotions. In this state, decisions are now being made according to emotions that are out of control. We act the way we feel because of sin acting out in our soul.
The deliberate harm to our soul by sin begins in the mind. When we think the thoughts that have their origin in sin, the results end in actions that cause negative emotional responses like distress, anguish, trauma, torment and grief.
The harm that sin causes to the mind opens the door for loss of the will. The disintegration of the will cause loss of strength and cohesion to a united whole. God wants us whole. The devil wants us apart in pieces. The soul was designed by God to function together as one unit. If parts of the soul has been effected by sin, then the whole soul will greatly suffer. Loss of the will means the mind has no filter to control the thoughts and emotions have nothing to keep them in check.
The mind and the will have the task of keeping the emotions under control. If sin makes the mind and the will dysfunctional, then all decisions will be made by feelings with no safe guards to keep them under control. Sin will cause a flood of emotions to release destructive feelings that would be harmful to anyone under their influence. Emotions like anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, shame, envy, guilt, jealousy, bitterness, and rage, just to name a few, will make your flesh do things that in the long run will destroy your life. Without Jesus Christ in our life, it is just a matter of time before our life self-destructs because of emotions gone wild.
God in his most very excellent wisdom has chosen to give us salvation through his Son Jesus Christ. His salvation is a working salvation in nature. It has been given to us to save us from sin and all the results of sin. The harm, ruin and loss that comes from sin, has the potential to effect us our entire life. The working salvation of God not only saves us from sin when we first come to God through Christ, but it continues to work with us on a progressive level so we don't keep on intentionally sinning.
One of the results of being save through Jesu Christ is that through him we now have access to the Holy Spirit of God. It is the Holy Spirit who instructs us in the ways of God. He instructs us to learn of Christ Jesus and the way he related with God the Father to bring rest to our souls. We need rest in our soul because of all the harm, ruin and loss that sin brings to our soul. The working salvation of God brings rest to the weary soul.
Jesus Christ said it this way " Come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls".
The working salvation of God begins when we come and receive Jesus Christ. We come to him because the labor that comes with sin is heavy laden to our soul. He says that we should take his yoke upon us. Two that are yoked together move as one to get the work done. If we are yoked with Christ, then we will move as he moves. He is with us all the time because we are always linked together. We will learn to walk as he walks. We become a new creature learning to walk in a new way.
Through the working salvation of God we will learn what it truly means to walk or live in meekness. Meekness is an attitude of a quiet and gentle heart willing to accept the will of God for their life without resistance to his will. God's will is in his word. Our will is in our flesh before Christ. For true salvation to be progressive we must choose to push the flesh to the side and allow the Spirit word of God to take the place of the flesh in all areas of life. Meekness is when you quietly allow this to happen. God's will and not my will must be our standard mode of operation.
We will learn through the working salvation of God how to live lowly in heart in this our everyday life. Lowly dose not mean you are low in degree or manner. You are a child of the most high God, so by nature you are divine in nature being made in his likeness. His working salvation working in you, makes it clear that God is our father, so we choose to humble ourselves before him. This is the lowly in heart you give to the one you love. You put them before yourself because of love.
Through the working salvation of God we will find rest for our souls because for the first time in our life through Jesus, we will know what rest should truly look and feel like. The working salvation of God helps us to maintain our peace. This is a key element to a soul that has received rest. Walking in the will of God will bring a peace to your soul even if the world around you is in direct opposition to that peace.
Therefore children of God fear not in the name of Jesus. You have been saved with the working salvation of God. Right now the Spirit of God is working in you, through you and around about you doing a progressive kingdom work in you. His saving power has taken you by the hand and is moving you forward in divine destiny. In him you are never lost or forgotten. He knows your name and why he created you. Let his working salvation move you today beyond the obstacles that have been placed before you to test and try you. It is in him that you live, move and have your being, so live, move and be in Jesus name this day and forevermore! Amen.
Apostle Henry
Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address any comments, questions or prayer concerns to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!
Psalm 50
Psalm 62
Matthew 11: 25-30
The working salvation of God is a progressive work that is always calling us to another place in him beyond where we are right now. Now is not the end, it is just a new beginning.
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