The Shadow Valley
Psalm 23:4
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou are with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
The bible in Psalm 23 speaks of a place known as the valley of the shadow of death. God wrote this Psalm through king David so that we God's children, would come to an understanding about the world we have been sent by God to operate in at this time. This world in the shape it is in right now is not our permanent home. It is important for us to know that this life we live right now is a life being walked out in a valley filled with shadows. It is in this shadow valley that God has made a way for us to be purged of or sins and at the same time develop a true, real, meaningful relationship with him.
Today we will look at this shadow valley through the eyes of kind David. When we look at the history of David we understand that he suffered through many of the same afflictions that are common to the world today. Why is that? It is because sin nature is the same and is born into every generation. Yes, even in the world of today with all this information technology, that is suppose to make us the smartest generation that has ever walked the earth, the sin in our nature still brings us to our knees. Sin affects our relationships, health and finances to the point of no real peace in our every day life. This is because sin is anti-life and evil in nature. God creates life and sin destroys life. We learn the difference between the two in the shadow valley. It is in the shadow valley that we learn the truth about God and our enemy the devil. This is where we learn who is light and who is darkness. Most of all the shadow valley is the place where we must choose with whom we will spend eternity, God or satan.
So let us make it clear, God is light and the devil is darkness. The two are opposite to one another. God operates in truth and the devil functions through lies. This is why there is light and darkness in the valley. There are God things in the valley which are good for life and there are God things in the valley that the devil has perverted to cause death. The bible says that God is light and there is no darkness in him. When his light shines it can not be hid. His light shines on all. Yet his light is not received by all. The sin in our nature will interfere with the light. The sin is the thing that blocks the light and causes the shadows in the valley.
If you have not guest by now the shadow valley is the world past and present. David saw the same things we see when it comes to our basic human nature. As he walked in the earth David saw shadows. As we walk in the earth today we also see shadows. What do these shadows mean?
In the natural a shadow simply put occurs when light is blocked by an object. If we take this concept and apply it to our walk in this world, then shadows are things like gloom, suspicion, trouble, and worry that block the truth of God's word ( his light ) from reaching our soul. These things or thinking on these things produce thoughts that block light and cause shadows to be formed in the mind.
God knew in advance that we would have to spend time in the shadow valley. He knew we would have to get the victory over gross darkness. Therefore God made sure that he placed within the shadow valley the most important things we would need to learn to over come the things of this world and defeat gross darkness forever. What are these things?
God used king David to tell us exactly what we had to learn by walking our path in the shadow valley. It is in this low place of the valley that we learn the Lord is our shepherd and He is in control of all. We learn to trust Him and in doing so we learn to not want. We learn to let Him lead us in all things. We learn to allow Him to make us rest in a place in the valley where we can be fed and grow. We learn to allow Him to take us to the still place in the valley where we can hear His Holy Spirit speak clearly.
We learn to allow Him to restore our soul day by day. We learn that the path He has us on is righteous and we walk this path for His name sake. We learn to walk this path with no fear of the evil that is sure to be found along the way. We relearn again and again that no matter where we are on the path in the shadow valley He is with us. We learn that because of His love, it is His rod and staff that brings us comfort at all times.
We learn that it is Him who sets the table for us in the presence of our enemies when we allow Him to fight our battles. We learn in the shadow valley that it is in Him that we live, move and have purpose. We learn it is Him who anoints us for purpose and causes our cup to run continually over. We learn it is Him that causes goodness and mercy to follow us all the days of our life in or out of the valley. Most of all we learn to dwell in the house of the Lord forever with joy, because of the love He has for us and the love we have for Him.
So guys don't despise the shadow valley. This is the place where God is training you to dwell in His presence forever. You will be there because you choose to be so that His will may be done. The things we experience in the shadow valley will cause us to make a firm decision, being resolved not to change it about who God is and how we are to relate to Him. So no matter where you find yourself as you walk through the shadow valley today, know He is with you. Fear not, because not even death can stop you. He is God. He is real. Just keep walking and believing. Hope in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God will do the rest. Trust in God. amen! LEARN.
Apostle Henry
Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address any comments, questions or prayer concerns to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!
Psalm 23
Ecclesiastes 6:12
Job 17:7
Hebrews 9:8-10,24
Hebrews 10:1
The earth is a valley filled with shadows. The Lord has given us his word. As we walk through this earth he is with us training us how to live in the light. His light becomes our light. Even the shadows in our mind can not stay if we receive the light of his word. His light will shine and fill the earth because He has said so and His word never returns to Him empty. In time the shadow valley will be no more. It is becoming the valley of light. In Jesus name let it be so!
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