The Peace of God

Philippians 4:7

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

     Peace, be still! The peace of God brings a stillness to your soul. I speak to your hearts and minds right now in the name of Jesus. As we enter into a new season, we will do so with the peace of God leading our way. In this past season of testing we were under constant attack by the fears of this world system. Our relationships, finances and health have been put to the test at the same time on a global scale. Faith in governments are at an all time low. We all have been face to face with challenges that we have never encountered before. We all have had to deal with fears of what is now being called the new normal. What little peace we thought we had has been overcome by constant reports about things we on a personal level have no control over.

     As we enter into this new season let us focus our hearts and minds on the peace of God instead of the fear of the world. With all this bad news being pushed on us all day every day peace is really hard to find if you are trying to find it through the ways of the world. God says that his ways are not our ways. God's ways brings us good news that is not of this world.  The good news of the gospel is not fake news because God can not lie. His news is filled with love, peace, joy and most of all hope that this world could never give.

     Now is the time to make a clear choice as to what report we are going to believe. The Lord told us through the word of God that these type of world events would be apart of our days. It is in these troubled times that the voice of the Lord says "Let not your hearts be troubled". It is through the sound of his words that his peace is passed on to us. This is why it is so important to hear the word of God everyday to maintain your peace. I say this because of the constant flow of bad news that comes at us from so many sources. The world has a multitude of ways to get bad news to you. God has chosen one way to bring the good news of the gospel to us and that is through his son Jesus Christ. You don't have to search the entire world to find truth. Just open your heart and mind to Christ and the truth will be crystal clear. We obtain God's peace through the words of Jesus Christ found in the holy scriptures.

     The Holy Spirit gives us understanding of the words in scripture and shows us how to apply it to our lives so that we can actually do the will of God. It is in doing the will of God through Jesus Christ that we actually find peace for our souls.  We find ourselves in true right relationship with God. Then it does not matter what is happening in the world because our hearts and minds are fixed on him and not the cares of life that are based only in this world.

      Right relationship between father and child is not  based on what things are exchanged between the two. My father is my father, I had no choice in the matter. I came into this world through him. What he can do or give me does not change the fact that he is my father. Through him I obtained life in this world. Peace with my father is something I had to choose no matter my age. 

     Our Father in heaven is the source of life to us all. We were with him before the earth was even formed. We knew a level of peace then we can't even imagine now. Yet he was our father then, and he can be our father now, we just have to choose him over the things of this world. The things of this world can never bring us true peace. There is a peace that comes from the creator of life that brings understanding to life. God's business is life. He knows all there is to know about how life is suppose to work. More than anything God knows why life is suppose to work.

     God has said that his peace is functional. He says that his peace passes all understanding about life that will keep or preserve our hearts and minds. Jesus said to his disciples more than once that his words he spoke to them was to bring peace to them. He even said to them that it was his peace that he was leaving with them. Jesus knew how much trouble this world could bring. Jesus also knew the peace of the Father could overcome all the troubles of this world. This is why there were times in his walk here on earth that he would withdraw from the world to a quiet place and spend time with the Father. He came back from those times walking in peace and power.

     The same can be true for us. When we spend time in God's word, there is a peace and power that comes to help us deal with the cares of life in this world. It helps us to overcome our fears and helps us to keep walking on the path with God. To stay on path with God means to follow the commandments that was given to us by Jesus. Jesus said" If you love me, keep my commandments, And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever, Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees him not, neither knows him: but you know him; for he dwells with you, and shall be in you."

     One thing that is given to us from the Comforter or Holy Spirit is peace. Peace is one of his fruits that is grown inside us by him. This God fruit comes from inside us and does not depend on the world. We are not blind to what is happening in the world, we just react to it in a different way because of the Holy Spirit of God living inside us. He gives us his peace along with understanding that keeps us stable in troubled times.

     So children of God I leave you with the words of our Lord Jesus Christ today that he may set the pace for us all in this new season of walking with God. He said in John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." Let your heart be fixed and trust in the Lord with your whole heart and mind and the peace of God will keep you. If your heart and mind is filled with God there will be no room in your heart and mind for fear. Remember power, love and a sound mind is our portion. May God's love lead us all. 

                                                                              Apostle Henry 

      Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address  any comments, questions or prayer concerns to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen! 

Philippians 4:6-8

John 14:26-27

John 16:32-33

Psalm 112:7-8

The peace of God is where he is. He is in the sky. He is in the woods. He is in the field, but most of all he is in you. Receive him and receive his peace.


  1. Thank you Apostle Franklin. The peace of God is my portion. I receive it.

    1. Thank you for trusting God to be your peace. Continue to trust him. Continue to learn of him and he will bring his rest to your soul. This word is for today and forever more. You are a strong child of God. Your destiny is just beginning so keep walking and don't look back! He will be with you always.


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