Keep Yourselves From The Accursed Thing

Joshua 6:18

And you, in any wise keep yourselves from the accursed thing, lest you make yourselves accursed, when you take of the accursed thing, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it.

     God told the nation of Israel that as they moved to take possession of the promised land to keep themselves from the accursed thing. God said that the accursed thing would cause the whole nation to be cursed. He also said that the curse would bring trouble to the whole nation. They were not to pick up anything that God said was cursed that belonged to the nations he was having  removed from the land because of their gross abominations.  
     That was then. This is now. God is still saying the same thing to us today. He is saying it because since the Garden of Eden all mankind has been living under the curse of sin. When Adam sinned the curse of sin cursed everyone. Sin is in our nature. Therefore our nature has been cursed by sin. This means sin is on the inside of every person trying to make its way out to cause trouble for every person. This means that the accursed thing for us is our very nature. So the question is how do we keep ourselves from our very own cursed nature?
     The answer to this question is we can't keep our nature from sinning by ourselves. We can't do it alone. We need help. We need a perfect nature to help us overcome our cursed sin nature. When you have done something wrong your whole life you think it is alright. To everyone else it may be completely wrong. But for you, your way is the way that works for you. You may be hurting everyone around you but you won't do something different because after all this is who you are and it is your nature to function this way.
     Let's be clear. Man did not create himself. His creator designed him to function under certain circumstances according to specific standards in order for man to function correctly. The laws that God gave to man was to keep man from himself. The laws were to be like a school master to teach him how to behave. The problem is our sin nature wants to go in the opposite direction of the law of God. The result of this fact is that our soul is troubled because we were designed to have the best results when we obey the law of God.
      Every sin that I have ever committed was first against God, then myself and others. I sinned because it seemed to be the best thing for me at the time and I wanted to do it. I made my on standard. I could not and did not want to keep myself from my sin nature. I could not keep myself from the accursed thing. The result was I was troubled in my soul for many years until I came to the end of myself and received help from the perfect one.
     Only Jesus Christ the perfect one could save me from me. You see the only hope for me was a totally changed nature. Impossible! Only my creator could change my nature. This is how I know the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are real because they gave me a new nature.  They help me to keep my new nature not by a set of laws but through a relationship with God. Like a true father I obey God because of love and respect and not out of fear. 
     You choose to follow the ways of Jesus because he brings rest to your soul. The only reason that we sin is to  bring rest to our soul. The accursed thing only brings us trouble and no rest for our mind, will and emotions. Only the power of God can keep us from the accursed thing that calls us from inside our nature.
      So when you hear the voice in side you calling you to a place you want to go but know you should not, God can give your new nature the power to ignore that voice. This voice is the same voice the devil used in the Garden of Eden. This voice was meant to curse, hurt, punish and completely destroy man. So now at the very least when we put God at the center of our life we now have the power to say no to sin if we choose to use that power. Now we don't have to let our flesh lead us into hell because our nature is helpless. 
     We have been saved by Jesus Christ. Now the bible says we must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. This is because our old nature is going to challenge our new nature on a continual bases. We must trust the Holy Spirit to teach us each day how to function using our new nature with Jesus Christ as our example. This is the only true way to protect yourself from the old accursed thing that by nature has been designed to trouble you.
     So children of God just say no to yourself. Then trust the power of God to keep you from the accursed thing inside yourself. In doing so keep yourself moving forward in Christ by giving yourself to him. Amen and Amen.
                                                                                         Apostle Henry

 Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address  any comments, questions or prayer concerns to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen! 

Joshua 6:18
Joshua 7:1-13
Philippians 2:12-13

Sin is the accursed thing that lives in my old dark nature. Only through the light of Jesus Christ can my new nature push the dark sinful nature out. I must choose by the power of God to keep myself form the accursed thing! I must work out my own salvation with fear and trembling. So must we all!


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