Acts 17:28
For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, for we are his offspring.

     Today's blog will be used to compare the movement of two systems, the world system and the kingdom of God.  We are born to move. When we are born again in Christ Jesus we move according to the standard of the kingdom of God which is love. When we are born into this world we move according to the world standard which is fear. We don't move as the rest of the world moves. The world moves based on a fear driven system. It's foundation is selfishness. As children of God our movements are kingdom based. It's foundation is love. We move according to the leading of the Holy Spirit for the love of God and the purpose of kingdom advancement.

     Fear is false evidence appearing real. This is what drives the world systems. It effects all natural life in the world. For instance in the wild when one lion roars, herds of different animals begin to take off at a frantic pace. They are in fear of what can happen if they came into contact with the lion. He is not even near them yet. They react to the sound of his roar. His loud roar causes them to move wildly with fear. Their wild movements cut a path of destruction wherever the herd moves and it effects everything in the way of the herd. 
     The world system uses fear to control the movements of people. It targets relationships, health and finances with false evidence that appears real to cause people to react in ways that benefit the world system. The fear keeps the world system  needed and in control. For example the system will say that because of a threat of war in some foreign land, the price of gasoline must be raised higher. Not one actual shot has been fired. It is just talk! Fear drove the price up and caused all kinds of negative results in other areas of life. Then when no war actually happens, the over payment is never returned to the people. Also the stress that the threat caused also effected relationships and health in ways that can't be counted.
     The world system is filled with so many different types of fear. The spirit of fear is everywhere causing pure panic. People are moving just like the herds in the wild that hear the sound of the lions roar. Because of fear they move at a frantic pace with the intent of running over anyone that gets in their way. Just try driving the speed limit on any given highway in the world and see what happens. With no regard for anyone around them someone will soon push up on you with the every man for himself attitude.They will then commence to push you off the road. They may also slam into the rear of your vehicle causing a shut down of the entire highway. Fear has people  in such a hurry to get nowhere fast that they are killing one another in the process. The I am going to do what ever I feel is necessary attitude is killing people world wide at an alarming pace. The world system is fear driven and fear driven movement kills. 
     The kingdom of God operates or moves in a totally different way than the world system operates and moves. First of all the kingdom of God is made up of his children. God's system is a family based system. God is our father so we are to move the way our father moves. God's movements have nothing to do with fear. The word says God has not given us a spirit of fear. We are to move with a Spirit of power, love and a sound mind. People of this nature do not move in a panic. We are to move by faith in Jesus Christ alone.
     Faith means to have complete trust and confidence in someone or something. When we move in Christ Jesus we are to do so with complete trust and confidence in him. Active faith in God changes the way we move in the earth. Like Christ we move at a different pace. Often times the world system says we are slow. There were times when Jesus was accused by people still being affected by the world system of being to late to save someone.  The fact is he was moving according to a different set of rules. The standards of God's kingdom preserves us. The world system burns us out. God slows us down so that the world system can pass us by. We are in the world but not of the world. Most people can not even find God until after they lose control and crash trying to keep pace with the world system.
     Our example is Jesus. If we look at how he moved in the earth we can learn much. When you study Jesus you see things that stand out concerning the way he moved in the earth. First, Jesus was Holy Spirit led. This means he did not make a move without the guidance of the Holy Spirit's wisdom. He was not moving alone. The Holy Spirit was directing his movements. This is clear through out scripture.
     Also Jesus had a supernatural pace of movement that was different from the pace of the world system. He never moved in a rush. He moved like someone who was in control. He moved with God given authority. He knew who he was and that God was his father. Therefore he walked everywhere at a certain kingdom pace according to the will of the Father. According to God's kingdom standard of love Jesus was right where the Father wanted him to be at all times. He only rushed to obey the Father. His movements are patient and precise.
     It is in Christ Jesus that we learn to move at this supernatural pace. The Holy Spirit helps us to have patient and precise movements in the earth. We can take our time and still be right on time by obeying the word of God every time. So children of God fear not. The world is not passing you by. The Father is slowing you down to his supernatural kingdom pace. This is the only way you can see what he is truly doing with this new life he has given to you. So slow down, smell the roses and see the kingdom vision of God for your life. It is glorious! Stay blessed and keep moving forward in Christ Jesus. Amen and Amen!
                                                                         Apostle Henry 

 Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address  any comments, questions or prayer concerns to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen! 

Acts 2:1-4
Acts 17:24-31
 M.O.V.E   Many Obedient Voices Empower. The obedient voice can cause things to move. Everyone in Jesus Christ is moving. It only looks like we are standing still. Slow down and look a little closer!



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