Anchor of the Soul

Hebrews 6:19
Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil.

     Our soul is our mind, will and emotions. The soul is the place where the spirit and flesh must connect in order to be active in this earth. These three areas of our soul are under constant attack by satan. This is because he is the enemy of all righteousness and those who seek to follow God. It is by our soul that all our choices are made. This is why our enemy bombards us everyday with things designed to cause our soul to be unstable. 
     An unstable soul has no balance. That soul is up, down and to and fro all the time. The reason for this is because our enemy is moving up, down and to and fro through out the earth. He is an unbalanced spirit. When we choose to take his advice by following the ways of the world, we to become unbalanced. When we forsake the ways of God's kingdom, this leaves us unrighteous and unbalanced.
     Our mind is the element of our person that enables us to be aware of the world and our experiences. The mind enables us to think and feel.We think and feel based on the information we choose to receive. The information that we have to choose from only comes from two confirmed sources. One is God and the other is the devil. God is good and the devil is evil. The devil's plan is to flood our mind with tons of information that has nothing to do with God. Tons of information that effects our relationships, health and finances are pushed at us on a daily bases. It is presented in such a way to make it seem important and must be received. With information flooding into our mind at such a fast pace it is impossible to make sense of it all. This causes our mind to be over loaded and unstable by going from one thing to the next because of information over load.
     Jesus says we are to set our mind on things above and that pertain to the kingdom of God. We are to learn of him and in doing so we will bring rest to our mind. When we put our focus on Christ the Holy Spirit helps us to filter out useless information. Our purpose as children of God is to address kingdom issues. God uses our mind to help a lost and dying world to see the benefits of his way of life. He sends information to the mind that is pure, peaceable, gentle, full of mercy and good. This keeps the mind balanced, focused and anchored in Christ.
     Our will is the part of our soul that gives us the power of conscious choice. Conscious means to be aware of and responding to ones surroundings. You are awake and have knowledge of what is going on around you. God uses the will of his children to make conscious decisions to address his kingdom issues here on earth. As children of God it is important for kingdom advancement that we know what the will of God is for our lives. It is the will of God in us that moves the kingdom of God forward in this earth. It is the obedience to the will of God in us that transforms us into kingdom minded citizens. The will is the center of the soul. The will is the center of you. It is your headquarters. Anyone at war wants to attack the headquarters of their enemy first. If the place where all the decisions are made is weakened or destroyed the war is over because no one knows what to do. 
     The devil wants your soul. But most of all he wants to control your will. If he has your will, then he has power to control how you make your decisions. Your decisions determine what you do in the earth. If your power to make good decisions have been blocked by the issues of life, then your movement in the earth is unbalanced. You have no anchor to hold your will in place.
    Jesus made it clear to all that he came to do the will of the Father. It was the will of the Father that set his course in the earth. He was to go to the cross to make a way for you and I to be able to be accepted by the Father. So for kingdom advancement Jesus went to the cross. He made a conscious choice to obey the will of the Father. Therefore the Father sent the Holy Spirit to help Jesus stay anchored in the will of the Father. The Father dose the same for us today. It is the Holy Spirit that keeps us anchored in the will of the Father.
     Finally our emotions are our natural instinctive state of mind based on our circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. They are feelings based on instinct instead of actual knowledge. When Adam and Eve sinned they were separated from God. At that moment their spiritual connection with God was weakened and they were no longer walking in the Spirit with God. They were reduced to running by their natural instinct. They were now depending on their natural emotions to guide their life in the earth. They were now like satan, living life according to the way they felt and not according to the God way of life. Fear now entered into the heart of man for the first time. The fear caused all of mans normal emotions to be unbalanced. Man was now running in fear instead of walking in the Spirit. Man now had no anchor to hold his emotions in place. 
     God so loves the people of the world that he gave us a way back to him through his son Jesus Christ. Through Christ we have access to walking in the Spirit once more. When we approach God through Jesus Christ, God gives us his glorious Spirit. The Holy Spirit replaces our spirit of fear with his Spirit of power, love and a sound mind. He not only brings balance to our emotions, he returns balance to our entire soul. No more do we have to be tossed to and fro by the cares of life. God is and will always be our anchor of the soul.
     So my brothers and sisters be of a good courage because today is a new day. Fear will come, but Jesus is our standard. Through him we will cancel fear every time. Because of our love for one another we can pray our way passed the fear. So use the power that our Father has given us and cast the fear off of your relationships, health and finances right now today. Give them to God so that you may seek his kingdom and righteousness without a spirit of fear. Stay anchored in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and they will keep you moving forward in the kingdom of God. Man it is great to be apart of such an awesome family!
                                                                                 Apostle Henry 

 Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address  any comments, questions or prayer concerns to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen! 

Hebrews 6:13-20
1Peter 2:10-12
Philippians 2:5-11
Matthew 26:39

God is the anchor to our soul. It is the good in him that keeps us stable and balanced in this world. God is in the good. Take one O out of good and you have God. God is good. He is in the word and he is in us, it is as simple as that!




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