The Melchizedek Order of King Priests
Genesis 14:18
And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.
In Genesis 14:18 we are introduced to the priest of the most high God Melchizedek. In this passage of scripture Melchizedek comes to Abram bearing bread,wine and blessings with the purpose of opening the next level of the Spirit dimension in Abram's life. This was part of God's plan to fulfill divine destiny in Abram.
This transference and transition took place at a time when the heavens were open to Abram due to his obedience to God. While the Levitical order of priest were yet in the loins of Abram, God sent Melchizedek to bless all the future priests of the order. God blesses first, then he promotes. How you handle the blessing determines how soon promotion comes from God.
After God's high priest Melchizedek blessed Abram, he was able to continue his divine walk to becoming Abraham. The blessing that God sent to Abram thru Melchizedek opened the Spirit dimensions that allowed him to be transformed into Abraham. The Spirit dimension was opened thru obedience to God.
Blessing and promotion would never have come to Abraham by his own works. This is the function of the Melchizedek order of priests. They are sent by God to bless you into the next level of Spirit dimension according to the divine plan that God has for your life. They are sent by God to open Spirit dimensions in our life that we could never open on our own. When we obey God in the areas of our life that he is calling for us to make changes in, then he opens the next Spirit dimension.
The Melchizedek order of priests receive from heaven and take that which was given and deposits it into specific sons and daughters of the most high God. The name Melchizedek means king of righteousness. Righteousness before God is what sets this order of priests above all others. They are not self righteous. They trust God and obey his commandments. They trust and obey because of relationship with God. They never put trust in their own self will.
The bible says that Melchizedek is also the king of Salem. The name Salem means peace. This means he is also the king of peace. He is in fact a king priest. This king priest is what the bible says we become when we give our whole heart to Jesus Christ. This order brings righteousness and peace from heaven to transition us to the next place in our divine walk.
Jesus Christ like Melchizedek came bearing bread,wine and blessings. Christ also came to teach us how to be righteous and peaceable by following the lead of the Holy Spirit. Only the eternal king of Righteousness and Peace has the authority to set up and put into motion an order of eternal priests.
The bible says Christ is a priest after the order of Melchizedek. Anyone who comes to Jesus Christ with there whole heart is born into this new order of the Melchizedek priesthood. We are born by the Spirit and not by a natural father and mother into this order. Because we are born of the Spirit into this order, we must be trained by the Spirit how to flow in this dimension of the Spirit. We have been born again into a new eternal order of priests.
Now let us allow the Holy Spirit to lead us into all of what it means to be a king priest. May we be strong and keep moving forward in our priestly kingship training as a priest after the order of Melchizedek. If you want to know more and where you fit in this new order of king priest just reach out to us and we will be happy to help as the Holy Spirit leads. Amen and amen. Let it be so in Jesus Name!
Apostle Henry
Genesis 14:18-20
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Genesis 15 entire chapter
Hebrews 7 entire chapter
We are linked to the eternal order of king priests because of our relationship to God through his son Jesus Christ. The standard for this order is righteousness and peace. Praise be to God!
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