Like A Flood
ISAIAH 59:19
So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.
Welcome to perilous times! Perilous times are days that are filled with danger, hazards and risk that are known and unknown. We exist in a world that seems to be spinning out of control, with no clear direction that will give the people of the world true peace and prosperity. More and more it's every person for themselves and forget the next guy. This is just what the bible said the last days would be like. Without divine intervention, man will one day destroy himself.
The bible says we will known these times by the way people behave. The world system set up by satan comes in like a flood and effects all the people in the world. It sets us up to think that the most important thing is to take care of yourself first. In all things that matter think self first. This type of thinking produces people who's lives are driven by selfishness.
The selfish nature of man will be seen in his actions. The bible says that the last day people shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, no self control, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, intoxicating, high minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. These types of behavers flood to the world we live in.
The word flood means the overflow of something onto something else, that causes a change in conditions, because of the excess of something caused by the overflow. The enemy wants to overwhelm the people of the world with things that will effect what they believe to be their normal way of life. He brings in a flood of words and situations that cause people to believe they have no hope when it comes to their health, relationships and wealth. People who believe they have no hope react and behave in careless selfish ways. This is the response to a natural and spiritual flood.
The bible makes it clear that satan wants to kill, seal and destroy mankind. When he comes into the lives of people like a flood, God has given us a way to push him back. God knows all there is to know about satan. God knows that satan uses words to destroy life. God in return will use words to save and restore life that the enemy takes replacing the lost life with more abundant life.
The business of the Lord Jesus Christ is to operate in the business of his Father. The family business of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is real life. All they do is create and progress abundant life. The words they speak and the situations they create produces new and abundant levels of life where the life controls the existence and not the existence controlling the life. They create life with purpose in mind. They design life to fulfill purpose. When life is lived outside of purpose it is no longer life, it is just existence. In order to truly live life you must first respect the creator of life to learn your purpose for life.
The bible says that ALL things including all people were made by Jesus Christ for Jesus Christ. Jesus loves us so much that he has given us the right of choosing him and his kingdom way of life or the choice of existing forever outside of life and kingdom. We are the only ones who must make the choice for ourselves. No one can choose for us. If we don't choose Jesus, then we will never know truth and purpose. We will only have existence and what it contains.
If we choose Jesus, then we choose God the Father who sent Jesus his Son to save us from ourselves. The Father gives his Holy Spirit freely to anyone who has received his Son Jesus Christ. Those who have chosen the Father, Son and Holy Spirit now have been given access to heaven and the kingdom way of life. They can now involve heaven in their daily living. They now have the right because of their respect for God to boldly call heaven into action concerning earthly matters.
Kingdom life begins the moment you receive Jesus Christ as Lord. When you humble yourself and begin to learn of Jesus by studying the word of God, the bible says he will bring rest to your soul. This means that Jesus will bring rest to your mind, will and emotions. These are the very doors that satan uses to effect your existence. He tries to flood your mind with things to keep you separated from God first. This in turn opens you up to every day world situations that effect you in most cases like a natural flood coming in with nothing to stop it's progression. Kingdom life teaches you to call on the name of Jesus Christ in all situations good or bad.
There is a place in your kingdom walk that you start your daily walk by connecting with God the moment you open your eyes in the morning before you start your day. You check into kingdom first before the flood starts. The bible says that for kingdom citizens when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall raise a standard against him. This means when satan comes to attack you he will be met by the Holy Spirit himself. The Holy Spirit will fully display the flag with the name Jesus Christ on it for everyone including satan to see.
What this means is that this satan flood can only effect you according to the kingdom standards that God has put into place for his kingdom advancement. The ways that the flood effects kingdom citizens is controlled by the Holy Spirit to cause growth in God's children. This means that there will be times you will completely avoid the flood, and other times you will have to go through the flood. In either case the Father, Son and Holy Spirit will be right there with you maintaining you the whole time.
Why? God not only gives life, he also keeps and progresses life to different levels and dimensions. When things happen to kingdom people God is with us to make sure his plan for our life continues to the next phase. The enemy is only allowed to attack God's people in certain ways that will cause God's children to grow spiritually and naturally to advance us to the next place in God. How are you going to know who you are, who's you are and all that's contained inside you unless you are confronted with challenges greater than you that must be faced.
All people of the earth must face challenges. The bible says that God's children are in the earth, but are not of this earth. This means God has his hand on his children to look to him when the world system is going crazy. The same things that give the people of the earth that don't know God, no hope, give God's people more desire to be closer to God.
No matter what's going on, the children of God have hope for the better, because their hope is not in a failing world existence. The hope for the children of God is in heavenly places with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in complete control of our eternal destiny. We know we are in a war for our souls. We know who our enemy is. We know how he attacks us. We know our God allows certain attacks to cause growth in our spirit life. We know our God is with us always, now and forever. We know that God has given us Spiritual weapons to stand in natural and spiritual battles. Most of all God has given us his word that when the enemy comes in like a flood against us, that his Holy Spirit lifts up God's standard with the name Jesus Christ covering every area that the enemy could possibly attack.
So to all my brothers and sisters, today is the day to remember we are kingdom citizens. We occupy heaven and earth. Our Father's kingdom is based on righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Any thing that attacks that standard is met by him personally through the Holy Spirit and the name of Jesus Christ. There actually is power in the name of Jesus that effects the natural and spiritual world. Every knee will bow to that name alone!
Our part is to declare the name of Jesus Christ in all situations good or bad. Then allow the Holy Spirit to direct us on what to do in the natural while he fights the battle in both the spirit and the natural. He swallows up the flood of the enemy and pushes him back. We just stand in the instructions of heaven to resist satan by calling on the name of Jesus and just believe. Just believe and keep walking. I will see you along the way. He is the blessing and the blessing in deed!
Apostle Henry
Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address any comments or questions to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru We would love to hear from you. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!
Isaiah 59:8-21 Revelation 12:9-17
Remember children of God, when the enemy floods you with words that have been sent to kill, steal and destroy you, stand strong. Be sure that the Holy Spirit inside you will lift up the name of Jesus before your enemy! You will ride upon the flood and not be consumed by it. In Jesus Christ you have the power to just ride on the enemy's words.
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