Perfect Peace

 Isaiah 26:3

Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee; because he trusts in thee.

     When the word perfect is used to describe something, it is saying that, that certain something is as good as it is possible for it to be. The word peace means freedom from disturbance. This means the absence of all violent or confrontational activity within or without that certain something. Perfect peace means complete freedom from every type of disturbance that could possibly affect man. 

     For us to have peace, we feel the need for our relationships, our health and our finances to be free of disturbance. When something negative happens in these three areas of life, our peace is disturbed. Stress in these areas tend to  locked our minds into patterns of thinking how to end the stress. This is hard to do because stress is most likely being generated by pride in us or others connected to us. This makes it almost impossible to be corrected by natural means because pride can only be overcome by the Spirit of the Lord. Pride is the enemy of peace. It is behind all disputes. All heated disagreements are based in pride. Peace can never be found in the mind of someone set on contention fueled by pride.

     The mind is the place where peace must be positioned in order for it to impact a life. How one thinks concerning his relationships, health and finances will determine the level of peace in those areas of life. For perfect peace to be found in the things that all humans care about, there first must be true peace made between us and God. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are the creators of relationships, health and finances. It is God who brings perfect peace to these areas when we make peace with him. The only way to make peace with God is to let pride go in all those areas and receive Jesus Christ as Lord of all that concerns our life.

     The reason we must receive Jesus is because he is the Prince of Peace. The bible says that Prince of Peace is part of the name Jesus. This means that peace is in his name. He has the power to introduce peace into any situation. For example, the moment he was born the bible says that the heavenly hosts spoke peace and goodwill towards man into the atmosphere of earth. The birth of Jesus opened the door for a new position for man in the earth. Now man could choose peace and goodwill, rather than murder, death kill.

     The bible also says that those who come to Jesus and learn of him will find rest if they trade their heavy burdens for his burden of light. In short, he wants us to trade our heavy thinking about the cares of life for his true word about God and the kingdom of heaven. If we do this by studying the way of Christ Jesus, we are in fact destressing and bringing rest to our soul. When we do this, our mind has peace because God says he will keep us in perfect peace who's mind is stayed on him. We cast our cares and think on him. 

     Time after time through out the word of God peace was introduced first in order for a move of God to begin. For example when Jesus entered Peter's house and found Peter's mother-in- law sick with fever, he healed her first. This restored peace to the house because the Prince of Peace was in the house. That night all who were sick or possessed was brought to that peaceful  house and Jesus healed them all. He gave peace to them all including those who were taking care of the sick and possessed.

     Jesus even taught his disciples to speak peace to every place they were sent by him. Why did he do this? It was because Jesus knew that when peace is received in a place, the kingdom of God can move in that place. When the peace of God is not received, then very little progress in the Spirit can happen in the hearts of the people in that place. The place we are talking about is the atmosphere inside or outside a person. Jesus would often times speak to both. When the peace of Jesus is received, then the peace of God is received because they are one in the same.

     The bible says that those who are without Christ are aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. It says that they are a far off from God. This means they are not allowing God to be involved in the affairs of their life because of pride or unbelief. They only believe what the natural world says about their relationships, health and finances. They think the word of God does not apply to them and therefore can not help them. Until proven different, their way is better and above the ways of God.

    The bible says that at one time we all were without Christ. We were positioned outside of him with little or no peace. We were a far off from God.  Now, due to the blood of  Christ Jesus, all who receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior are made once again close to God. Jesus is our perfect peace. He has broken down the middle wall of partition between us and God because of our sin. 

     It is our sin that removes us from God. The selfishness in our nature makes us choose what we want, which by nature is opposite to what God wants for us. We do not believe that God is the best and has the best for us. We don't trust him. It is only through Jesus Christ that we can be brought close to God again for the purpose of building a forever relationship of progressive life based in love and peace.

      Perfect peace is when nothing can disturb the love between you and your God. Perfect peace is when we will know and love who he is. We will choose to follow his every word because we love, honor and have respect for the Lord God our Father. We will be so focused on Him, that all the cares of life will be a thing of the past. No thought will ever be given to them again! 

     The question for today is how do we enter into perfect peace right now, today? The answer is Jesus Christ. Accept him today and reposition yourself inside him. In him is the perfect peace you seek. Begin by learning of him and along the way he will touch you in such a way that you will know and trust him for yourself. The more you choose to trust him, the more of your relationships, health and finances you will place in his hands until you give them all to him. Then you will experience the perfect peace of God.

      It is this peace that keeps you stable in this fear driven world in which we live.  Until the return of Jesus Christ into this physical earth, the cares of life will always try to challenge us to focus on them and forget about God. As children of God we are in the world, but not of this fear driven world. As children of God it is our reasonable service to spend time with God. When we spend time in the word, prayer and worship, God in turn prepares us to over come the things of this world that are built into it by satan to disturb us. I pray that the perfect peace of God keep us all stable and moving forward in our relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. May we all keep our minds stayed on Him now and in the times to come. Hallelujah and amen!

                                                                                  Apostle Henry  

     Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address  any comments or questions to If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru We would love to hear from you. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!

Isaiah 26:3-4                 Isaiah 9:6             Matthew 11:27-20               Ephesians 2:12-22

Matthew 8:14-17           Matthew 10:11-15

      The blood of Jesus Christ surrounds us inside and out. It is at our very center. It is through him that we have perfect peace at our center and we are covered by his blood though surrounded by the cares of this fear driven world.  



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