The Way of Transformation
Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world: but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
The word conform means to behave according to socially acceptable standards. The bible says that we are not to be conformed to this world. In other words, we are not to behave the way the world behaves. Our life was never to be based on socially acceptable standards set up by man, our life is to be based on the will of God. We as children of God, are to act in a different way. The only problem is how do we not behave the way we were naturally born to behave. It is in our DNA to naturally behave as the world behaves. We are born to do the opposite of God's will.
No one has to teach us to lie, cheat or steal. We don't have to go to school to learn how to fornicate, commit adultery or be unclean. Pride, envy, drunkenness, murder and the like lives inside us waiting for a chance to get out. All of these are works of the flesh that are found in the way of the world. The bible says in Isaiah 55:8-9 that God says "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." This means that the way of God is better than the way of man. The way God thinks is better than the way we think. Life with God is of a higher standard than life without God. Life without God is just a substandard existence far below the way man was created to live.
Christ came to save us from our sins so that we could have an abundant life filled with the glory of God. God's glory contains his thoughts and his ways. In his glory his perfect will can be seen. In his glory the transformation of man is possible. In the glory of God man's form, character and function is changed from the world standard to the kingdom standard of God.
The bible gives us a good example of this in the transformation of Saul the religious Pharisee that wanted to destroy the followers of Christ. This man was said to be the Pharisee of the Pharisees. This means he truly believed he was doing the work of the Lord when he set out to rid the world of all Christ followers. The name Saul means asked for. He was a person that held a high position which matched his prideful character. It takes a prideful person to destroy people for no reason. He was part of a religious system who's only goal was to preserve the religious system.
Saul wanted to slaughter the disciples of the Lord in a public place where it would have the most impact. He got permission from the high priest to go to Damascus and round up the people of the way. The name Damascus means a place where things happen. This was the perfect place to make an example of the people of the way who were the disciples of Christ. This man's soul was filled with pride as he made his way to Damascus driven by self made purpose. His appearance, character and purpose was completely opposite of the Spirit driven kingdom of God.
Something happened as Saul and his group approached Damascus. The glory of God in the form of light from heaven shined down upon Saul. It was so intense that he fell to the earth. As the word says " Pride comes before a fall.". Saul was certainly walking in pride and he most certainly found himself on the ground. It is from this low position that he heard a voice from heaven speaking to him. All the while he was in his high man made position, he never heard the voice of God. It was not until he was made to go low, that he could begin to hear the voice of God in such a way that transformation became possible in Saul's life. Before transformation can begin in a life, pride must be removed so that the word of God can be received. Only God knows how to bring a person to the place of receiving his word. This means only God knows how to remove pride from a persons life.
We know this to be true in the case of Saul because he was the only one in his group that fell to the ground. The bible says that all the men that journeyed with Saul stood speechless, hearing the voice from heaven but seeing no man. It also says that when Saul arose from the earth the voice from heaven instructed him to go into the city and it would be told unto him what he should do next. He could not see and had to be led by the hand into Damascus, the place where things happen.
It is important for us to know that God has chosen a certain place and a certain time for things to happen in our life. Know that he has a chosen time and place for us to be transformed into his way. Damascus was Saul's time and place. He was there in Damascus three days without sight and he would not eat or drink waiting on what to do next. The stripping away of Saul's pride had begun with his encounter with Christ. In the space of three days this prideful man lost his sight, had to be led by someone else and had to wait for someone to tell him what to do next. Just one of these things would be enough to take a prideful person over the edge.
The bible makes it clear that the answer Saul was waiting for did not come until he broke down and prayed. Again prideful people don't pray for what they need. It took Saul three days before he prayed. When he humbled himself and prayed, God gave him a vision about a man that would come to him and lay his hands on him to receive his sight. Again Saul had to depend on someone to help him get to a new place. The Lord set all this up so Saul could come to a real understanding of who God is and at the same time help him strip himself of the pride that had been with Saul all his life. So the Lord sent a man named Ananias to minister to Saul. Ananias put his hands on Saul calling him brother Saul and his eyes were opened and he was filled with the Holy Spirit. At that moment Saul became a member of the family of God and a full kingdom citizen. Then it says that Saul was with the disciples at Damascus certain days. From that day forward he never went back to the ways of a Pharisee.
From the example of Saul we can see that the way of the Lord if received will always lead to the transformation of life in a person. The way of transformation will always begin with God getting the attention of the person first. Transformation will come at the time and place of God's choosing. For transformation to be effective pride must be removed. Then the Holy Spirit will fill and be with that person forever. True transformation will change the appearance, character and function of a person. God will use certain people to assist others as they go through the way of transformation. True transformation will not be complete until Christ Jesus is seen in the glory of his fullness. Therefore, the way of transformation is a life long process as we walk with God in the Spirit minute by minute, day by day. As Saul walked with God he became Paul a man sent by God. His appearance, character and function had changed.
Our goal as children of God now becomes clear. We are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind by the word of God. This will bring us to a place where one day we will prove by our relationship with God through Christ Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit, what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. This is part of our reasonable service unto God. We all then must walk the road of the way of transformation to truly be all that God has created us to be in this life and the one to come.
Lord thank you for giving us what we need to keep walking with you. Let our transformation in the way be complete. We love you Lord this day and forevermore, so let your glory shine in us, through us and around about us, that you maybe magnified where ever we may be. We declare this in the mighty name of Jesus!
Apostle Henry
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Romans 12:1-2
Acts 9:1-19
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