Strength In Perilous Times
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
We live in a time that the bible calls perilous times. The word perilous means full of danger or risk. Anyone who is exposed to danger or risk over and over again will become weary. Over time constant exposure to perilous times will cause the soul and body to shut down. The bible says that even our young people will feel the effects of these perilous times. It says that even the young will grow weary and fall. From just hearing the daily news we know this to be true where we live and around the world. We who dwell in this world are being pressed from all sides and it makes us tired!
How do we find strength to press on in this world? The world system is designed by satan to kill, steal and destroy man. Therefore anyone who locks themselves into the world system seeking fulfillment becomes weary because this world is designed to make you weary.
In this world system men are lovers of themselves. They are covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient, thankless, unholy men. They function without natural affection becoming truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce and haters of those that are and do good. These are just a few of the rules that this world functions by. No wonder people are tired all the time! No one no matter what age can operate in this system and not feel it's effects. Therefore to find strength in this world we must look to a source beyond this world. We must draw our strength from above from the Lord Jesus Christ.
The bible says that if we put our trust in Jesus Christ he will give us rest when we spend our energy learning of him. When we wait upon the Lord our strength will be renewed and the heavy burdens that the world places upon us can be removed. When we spend time in and learning the ways of the world we grow weary. When we spend time learning and waiting upon the Lord we gain strength.
Because we are God's children we live by a different standard then the rest of the world. We live in this world, but that does not mean we have to function like the world. To gain renewed strength in this world the bible says that we are to wait upon the Lord. But what does it mean to wait upon the Lord? How do we do it?
I believe we get a set measure of strength from the Lord each day to fulfill the tasks that he gives us for that day. This is why it is important to start your day by acknowledging the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You should start the day by asking them what's on the agenda for the day and to give you the strength to complete the tasks. The world wants you running around from place to place at break neck speed with no clear purpose in mind. Therefore you wast time and energy. When you start your day in the Lord, he guides you along the path of the day with his Spirit.
It is also good practice to pray, praise and worship at different times through out the day. This also is waiting on the Lord and is a source of renewed strength. How and when you do this is between you and the Holy Spirit. I just know that when you do a burst of energy is released that can keep you moving when your flesh has already given up.
For example there was a day not to long ago I was having one of those days that seemed to have ended before it even got started. I started my day with the Lord as normal for me. But as my day progressed, I could not find my grove. I was driving on a short road trip which is normal for me and has never been a problem. But this day I was just tired and could not focus. I kept stopping at rest stops trying to revive my flesh. Each time I stopped I would call upon the Lord while I tried to regain my strength. I was at the forth rest stop almost at the end of my trip looking for some tea to wake me up. Of course there was none! God was not going to let a bottle of green tea get the glory for what he was about to do.
On the way to the machine to search for the tea I passed a young man with two young children. As I returned to my vehicle empty handed I noticed the young man with a young woman and the two children parked a few spaces from me. The way I was feeling I was ready to do nothing but go home, shut the door and wait on the next day. This is when I heard the Lord say go pray for them and give them whatever money you have in your wallet.
I took my tired self over to the young man and said the Lord told me to give you this. I put fifty seven dollars in his hand and asked him if he needed prayer. He said yes. Prayer for me and my family he said. I did. He thanked me and we parted. But something happened to me on the way back to my vehicle. By the time I sat in the driver's seat I was filled with the glory of the Lord. I felt like I could run home!!! My strength had been restored to full. The Lord had been setting me up all day to teach me once again if I wait on him he will wait on me.
Did he hear me at the start of the day? Yes. Did he hear me at the first three rest stops calling out his name? Yes. He knew I had enough strength to make it to the forth rest stop. It was there that he chose to renew my strength. It was there he chose to renew the strength of that young family. I don,t know who else God restored in that rest stop at the same time he restored us. I just feel in my spirit we were not the only ones. After all it was a rest stop.
I said all this to say if you trust the Lord you will wait on him. As you wait on him just keep moving in the strength he has already given you. You will run and not get weary. You will walk and not faint. You will see the glory of the Lord rise on you and others. Just keep waiting on him, this is my prayer for us all. Jesus is Lord! Wait on him!
Apostle Henry
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Isaiah 40:28-31
2 Timothy 3:1-9
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