Purge Me Again!

 John 15:1-3,5
I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman ( gardener ). Every branch in me that bear no fruit he takes away: and every branch that bears fruit, he purge it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Now you are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. I am the vine, you are the branches: He that abides in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit: without me you can do nothing.

     The word purge means to cleanse. It means to get rid of an unwanted quality, condition or feeling. This word purge is also used to describe the process of removing the dead things that makes one unproductive. The process of spiritual cleaning can only begin when we say yes Lord clean me. At this point we are connected to the true vine that is Jesus Christ. By the Holy Spirit who only speaks the truth in Christ, we are then made aware of the areas of our life that needs to be transformed by the power of the Father. 
     It is the Father who says why we need to be purged, when we need to be purged, and how the purging is to be done. The point here is that there is a way through Jesus Christ that all who want it can be purged form their sin and made clean.
     The way of Christ is the same way of the Father. The spoken word of Christ is the word that washes us clean. If you stay in the word of God by receiving it and doing it than you are positioned in Christ Jesus. You are truly like a branch connected to a vine. As the vine grows and progresses so does the branches. 
     A branch that is disconnected from the vine can do nothing but die. A branch that is connected to the vine will grow and produce fruit. We are the branches and Jesus is the vine that contains the life. The life produces fruit in the branches. The goal is to have continuous spiritual fruit coming from the branches. The goal is to have continuous spiritual fruit being produced from our connection with Christ.
     In order to have a productive life in Christ we have to allow the hand of the Father to touch the branch and make adjustments. We have to let the Father make adjustment in us. The Father is the gardener. He knows what it takes to make the whole garden productive. He knows when to water, fertilize, trim and cut every branch on the vine. He can tell by the way the branch looks what it needs to continue to grow.
 Let's review some key points:

1. Jesus is the true vine. We are the branches because we are connected to him.

2. God the Father is the husbandman or gardener. He is the one who takes care of the entire vine.

3. Everyone of us ( branches ) in him that bear no fruit, God the Father takes away to keep the vine clean.

4. Everyone of us ( branches ) in him that bears fruit, God the Father purges. He removes from us by his Holy Spirit the things in us that would slow down the production of the vine. He cuts these things off so the branches ( us ) have no dead things hanging on taking up space were good fruit may grow. This brings forth more fruit and makes the entire vine more productive.

5. The entire purging process is done when we receive and act on the spoken word of God the Father and his son Jesus Christ. 

6. Away from the true vine we can do nothing. There is no fruit, which means there is no production.

     So children of God because we are connected to the true vine We Must Expect God the Father To Purge us. Purging is not pleasant, but necessary for continued growth. For example if a dead rose is cut away from the rest of the bush in the right way, several new roses will appear in it's place. 
     If we ask the Holy Spirit to cut away from us what we don't need in our relationships, health and finances; we will be more focused and productive in the kingdom of God. Remove the dead flesh and several new fruits of the Spirit will appear in it's place. True purging only comes if we ask! But once the dead things are removed we have a sense of a clean fresh start in every area of life. So ask and you will receive. You will be purged and become more productive! Holy Spirit fruit production will be your portion Amen! Stay productive and keep moving forward in Jesus Name!

                                                                                                          Apostle Henry

Please use the following scriptures for bible study. Please address  any comments, questions or prayer concerns to oneaccordmin@gmail.com. If you desire to follow this blog, please do so by connecting thru blogger.com. Also, if you would like to make donations to help keep this ministry moving forward, just click the web link below. Know that Jesus is Lord and he lives in you! Amen!


Study John 15 the entire chapter. It will cut you deep and in the right place. Amen! 

When the Father removes the dead one from the branch, the branch will become much more productive.


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