BY My Peace
John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. Peace! Peace! Peace! Why is it in this world peace is so hard to find? The answer is easy to understand if you believe the word of God when it says that there is an enemy to man running to and fro, up and down on this earth looking to cause trouble for as many as he can. He (satan) has set up world systems in the earth to cause all types of fear in the hearts of people. He makes people think that they must have this or that in order to live a happy life. This pursuit of happiness causes life to be downgraded from abundant life to just a daily existence. The word happy means to feel or show pleasure or contentment while having a sense of confidence in or satisfaction with a person, arrangement, or situation. The world is set up to cause ...