Lord You Know Me

Psalm 139:1 O Lord, thou has searched me, and know me. Since the dawn of time man has in each generation uncovered things hidden in the earth that have led to the discovery of inventions. The inventions in most cases have been used for both good and bad. The creator of the invention had a specific goal in mind, but often times others took the same invention and used it for other purposes. When this happens the true intention or purpose of the thing created can sometimes be lost forever. Only the creator can look within the thing created and see the purpose he intended. Only the creator can look within the creation to see if it is operating correctly. Only the creator can truly see what is right and what is wrong with his creation. Everyone that has ever lived on this planet at one time or another has felt the presence of the creator. At that moment man knew that there was someone higher than man. The bible says in Genesis 1:26 that man was...