PSALM 91:3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. The bible calls covid-19 a noisome pestilence. Well what in the world is that? It is an evil calamity of life. As long as we live and breathe in this fallen world it is possible for these type of things to develop. This type of pestilence effects the entire world community . The door of fear that it opens up often times cannot be closed by man. But thank the Lord that his wisdom is far beyond our wisdom. God knew these type of things would come upon the earth. This is why he put the cure for covid-19 and every other noisome pestilence in his word. But who has the time to proclaim God's word over what's going on in our busy lives today? Wait a minute. Almost everything is closed! No job. No school. No bars and clubs. No sports and gambling. No restaurant dining. No dance. No gym. No church! Looks like we just may ...