You Have He Quickened

Ephesians 2:1 And you have he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins The bible says that HE has quickened you. You being anyone who has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. Quickened means to bring life to that which is dead. Before Christ we were just dead people walking not in life but just having an existence. An existence based on fear. A fear that makes you under or over compensate everything. We hardly ever get things just right because this fear has been burned into our nature by the sin of our natural father Adam. After he sinned God asked him where he was . His answer was I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid. Adam was already dead. Why? Because sin like death separates things that should not be separated. The sin causes a death like state to our spirit which in turn affects our soul. With no spirit and very little soul function we are reduced to all ...